
I’m not a FWD guy, but I’d rock the hell outta this. Unfortunately, it looks like the seller wants to get every penny back that the swap cost him, which isn’t how selling a used toy works.

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I recently got addicted to the infuriating little gem I found on steam called My Summer Car. So I’ll be doing that all weekend.

Embedded video isn’t showing up for me :(

You shut your filthy whore mouth

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The one that popped into my head was this:

“run through a five-speed stick “

Clicked into this article just for the Archer reference. Wasn’t disappointed.

Hate on the McGrill all you want - I still want one to grill with at LeMons races.

True dat. I think a lot of people (myself included) are holding out to see if the apparent success sparks some 3rd party involvement. So there may be a lull, but if they get their act together, it could spike again.

Alleged corruption by the Public Servants of Detroit?!

It’s a good thing you specified which object should be used for which purpose - based on what I’ve read of this project so far he would be equally likely to use the foam plugs to stop the leaks and the duct tape to cover the ears.

“Gold Rota wheels”

If you wash a bike you shouldn’t soak the seat, gauges, and several other components. Less neglectful, but still sloppy.

I love old bikes, especially ones from the 80's. But you can very quickly tell this bike hasn’t been super well cared for. And c’mon, $3500 for an 82 ANYTHING, it better be friggin’ mint, regardless of rarity.

This is hella clean - but also not cheap. If it was a standard, I’d pick it up. They made millions of them, and this is an era that pre-dates what the fast and the furious idiots are ruining with fart cans.

Plot twist - this is the sequel, so you farm by shooting things FROM a cave...

Destiny 2: II, the expansion pack.

Just ask my wife - I’m the biggest Brosbian ever. If the guys come over for a couple beers she knows to steer clear of that man-cave. ;)

I’m not a lesbian - I don’t own a forester, or a Legacy wagon.