Rick Cavaretti

Sorry, but yes, it looks like a pile of shit. 

I swear this was an episode of some SF show or other, guy finds cool-looking rock in the ocean, decides to hock it as a novelty, it turned out to be poop.

The Abyss? That’s what this thing grows up to be.

10:1 odds it turns out to be poop.  It’s always poop.  

There was a Europe model of the Scorpion, the Monte Carlo that sported a proper 120 hp Lampredi twincam.  It was only the US model that got saddled with restrictions. 

The X1/9, like various Fiat Abarths, was a giant killer. Low on horsepower but an excellent chassis.  It does have numerous SCCA titles to its name.

Agreed. A line of tax code that allows you a tax break for producing or doing nothing, even going as far to say it encourages the waste of productive resources?  Can it, immediately. 

All the other major streaming services and studios are pulling the same crap. Disney are just the latest. Rather than killing off the providers, the solution is to close down this loophole in the tax law which allows them to get away with it in the first place.

Add Snowpiercer to this list. The fourth and final series completed filming and post production but was again buried for a tax write off by TNT. It was one of the few times Sean Bean didn’t get killed off (or at least not yet).

Whatever law or rule or whatever makes it beneficial to bury a finished series (and I’m not necessarily talking about Nemo, here, so much as things like Prodigy and Willow) really needs to be changed ASAP.

As part of the streamer’s cost-saving “content removal plan,” Deadline reports Disney+ is no longer moving forward with its Captain Nemo TV series, Nautilus, despite having finished filming its first season.

Maybe we pull a BSG and completely break the current cycle, as we’ve shown it creates problems and ill side effects long term. Let’s lean towards a more ‘federation’ ideal of an economy.

Exactly. Their whole schtick has always been getting as much for themselves as possible, and then using the government to make sure they’re the only ones that benefit, and they’ve never been all that good at hiding that fact. Since Trump came around, they’ve just gotten to the point where they stopped even trying to

Gun cleaning accident?

House of Mouse gonna bring the House of Pain.

DeSantis is a duelist that took his shot and missed, now wants to make amends before the mouse brings his own pistol to bear.

You started this, Ronny-boy. Don’t be shocked when Disney BRUTALLY finishes it (and we all cheer).

I am NO FAN of the house of mouse, but I cannot wait for them to eviscerate Rhonda Santis and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District (Reedy Creek Improvement’s replacement - packed full of political hacks). The Guv of Floriduh is an asshole, and he needs a cerebral enema.

Can DeSantis just fall into a coma already....

I hope karma is the most enormous bitch to this creepy asshole.