Richard Dawson's Ghost

Hey maybe we shouldn’t have children killing foreigners. Just a thought.

Oh, cool, services to make crypto even better at crime. Perfect.

Participating in society is pretty scary, yeah. Next thing you know they’ll ask you to spend a third of your life working for someone else’s benefit while garnering very little of the profits.

Six percent of you voted nice price on that Jaguar abomination yesterday, and you should be ashamed.

Well if the clown shoe fits...

And he “Feared for his life.”

Proposed solution: speed limit self driving systems to be unable to go faster than the speed limit on any given road.

Well Republicans tell me that arming people makes them safer and more polite, so clearly this is fake news.

Hey uh these aren’t words that should go together.

Yeah let me just switch over to Linux real quick.

Yeah, you’re bang on here. Look at how much these wheels “improved” today’s NPOND candidate.

Well it appears I’ll carry on boycotting Activision/Blizzard products then.

So long as they fire Bobby Kotick, I’m okay with this.

I would have felt more positively about this car if it was up on blocks.

Those stupid fucking wheels tell me everything I need to know about this car, and what they tell me is no dice.

Humanity is a mistake.

2nd Gear: Elon’s gotta pay those taxes somehow and another quick crypto pump and dump seems like just the thing.

Yeah, nice price. Sure it’s kind of clapped out and it needs work, but what MGB doesn’t?

Hang on, let me pull out my tiniest violin for the rich guy who isn’t happy with the off road vehicle he bought to drive to his mountain chalet.