
I love clueless haters like you. it’s almost like you don’t know every single team has been caught and/or admitted to the same thing...or that Brad Johnson paid a kid to deflate balls in a super bowl...jelly hate is so delicious!

F u

Most women are stupid. Seriously giving women too much credit with this comment.

Disagree. This is just a BS clickbait article with links to REAL articles. but keep on being you girl!

Not everyone can loot when they get in massive crowds

i hate that i clicked on this BS blog post and made you money

Nice job attacking that random guy in a parking garage Charlotte.

How the “protesters” are acting is exactly why police have to be scared in certain communities.

his family WHO WEREN’T EVEN THERE, are the only ones claiming he had just a book.

Those protesters aren’t attacking civilians and looting. hmmm..

A 5 year old could write this. I’m in the wrong business.

because they know they are full of shit. and they were rude and unruly thus them being expelled from the plane had NOTHING to do with them being muslim (probably not even practicing). but %100 to do with them being self-entitled bitches. but to get some free publicity and money they go this route.

inciting a riot is not minding your own business

Yeah let’s not examine their attitudes or actions AT all. Assume Rog is wrong because he’s white. Perfect!

Good job making her actions seem completely benign and ok. Bullshit clickbait by her and you. She violated several policies and then pulled the Muslim card. SHE is why idiots are on the Trump Train.

yeah cuz you know all about the rules of this MADE UP land ;D

yes everything is the white mans fault. #selfreflect

nice racist comment. it’s a two way street.

A fair trade off

youre a douche. pure & simple.