
Any time.

I weep for America.

I appreciate your point, but I fear that the harm done by his jokes outweighs the good. There are a lot of people who watch Ted, Family Guy, and the Academy Awards and don't think at all critically about the jokes or enter into conversations about the jokes' implications. Especially for the Academy Awards, where the

Exactly—I think he's like a smart teenager who thinks he knows everything but doesn't realize he's going to be embarrassed about his words/actions after taking some good liberal arts courses in college.

Satire is obviously a continuum, but I'd argue that Sacha Baron Cohen does it much better. He's more obvious about highlighting how people are made uncomfortable by homosexuality and other social phobias, and he's more extreme/ridiculous. As others have pointed out, Seth MacFarlane's brand of humor, even if it is

Hear, hear.

Seth MacFarlane is the most insidious kind of misogynist, which is to say he appeals both to people who are unwilling to think critically and to people who don't understand the foundational/formative harm that can be done by his sort of "humor." When young viewers see a host singing about actresses' boobs, they don't

Can we get a discussion thread going that lists everybody's favorite romantic comedies, particularly little-known ones? Because I don't have time to wade through this comment section, but I'm always on the prowl for good romcoms. Good ones I've seen recently:

P.S. Particularly if you're in a long-term relationship. P.P.S. But I thought it was phenomenal.

That movie WRECKED me. If you're premenstrual, consider postponing watching it.

So sorry for your loss. I hope that you're doing okay, and I wish you the best in the future, too.

I always assumed that people like that were just more close-mouthed than I about their quirks, but then my friend started dating a "sanitized" woman (who actually reminds me a lot of Kate Middleton), and in FIVE YEARS I have yet to hear her say anything surprising, even after we got drunk together and I convinced her

Or, "How to Turn Jezebel Into Hot or Not."

This is very well put. Like you, I'm a perfectionist (re: my job, my personal life, my finances, my health, etc.), and I spend a good deal of time thinking about men's and women's respective goals/levels of perfectionism/definitions of success. The women I know are much bigger perfectionists than the men, but a lot of

You got me!

Do you like The Wire? This might be a useful comparison, if so, because I think The Wire is more or less universally accepted as an example of highbrow television viewership. I thought FNL was actually comparable to The Wire in numerous and surprising ways—dramatic in a realistic and understated way, illustrative of

I agree, and I think the way she portrays an earnest, nuanced, intelligent, humorous, self-contradictory, female character is also important.

Long-shot question for ATX Jezzies! Anybody know of any 1- or 2-bedroom houses in Central Austin (Hyde Park, ideally—also Cherrywood, Mueller, maybe South Congress) that are preleasing for June or July? Total rent up to $1,500. Also welcome: free resources other than Craigslist for finding said houses.

Please do watch New Girl! If you like Parks and Recreation, New Girl is sort of similar—a goofy, warmhearted show with really good supporting characters, and also (like Parks and Rec) a show that took a little while to find its footing. The first season is hit-or-miss funny, and the second season is very, very funny.

On my college roommate questionnaire, I cited Brandon Boyd as the person with whom I would have a torrid affair, if given the chance. Nice to know I've got company.