Best of luck on your upcoming job search
Best of luck on your upcoming job search
I love 70's land barges (Cadillacs, Fords, Lincolns, it dont matter) and this one looks worth it at that price.
Dude, the chicks will be digging you big time
You can’t let facts get in the way of a chance to diss Porsche..
“I don’t see how that is any worse than the central one in the Prius.”
I read the book in high school. At the end, Colonel Trautman gives Rambo a copper-jacketed discharge. Through the cranium.
I blame this one on Travis.
Man, Ferrari merch is super hot right now!
“Content with our half-assed job”
I know next to nothing about the zodiac killer, in fact the first time I googled that was after the NPOCP Qvale the other day. I’m certainly not going to try and make any conclusions, however you do bring up a point I came across that was interesting - a fair amount of the cars belonging to the victims were VWs or…
Came here to post this. We don’t have Florida Man, so don’t give us his state’s nickname.
You get all the stars for the Top Secret reference.
Honestly, you can’t have it both ways. Cheap/long-range EV/premium interior and styling. Pick 2. And I’m not a GM fanboy, but you can’t seriously be complaining about GM build quality while ignoring the horrendous build quality on the Model S and X, both priced at a premium level.
Series 5, originally aired November 2008, they had a 1974 DS in the shop. I specifically remember Edd removing the right rear fender by removing a single bolt to show a common place to inspect for presence of rust (it showed pretty well, as I recall).
He’s a couple numbers sewed onto that jump suit away from looking like he’s in Fallout.
Michigan can go from gorgeous rich people to shit to pure badlands in 1 block. And it’s not just Detroit. Add in the fact that most motorists here use their vehicles as weapons and it makes sense why Robocop is set in this city.
That is actually the nice part.
Wayne county, baby! If you go north of 8-mile, it’s rather nice...