
Ever run Windows Vista on a 486?

I can name that tune in one note, George....

... ant then we serve up the bottom feeders, steamed, buttered, and at ridiculous prices.

With all that crappy mismatched steering vs video it's pretty obvious he wasn't the one driving unless his racecar has the power steering of my grandmother's '84 Olds 98.

Yes, yes, people... Give the good internet a complete photographic inventory of your house and everything of value you own. Go ahead, don't be afraid... upload it to the cloud, it'll certainly be safe there.

How on earth can that thing keep its balance with all that horrible noise in the background? I thought Slaughter died back in the 90's... didn't they?

Aside from their ability to balance on a single axis (which is kinda cool), Segweys have the be the lamest invention ever.

Wow, I hope she remembered to bring her SPF 5000!

For all of you guys claiming that manuals should be parked in first or reverse because that's the most resistance, you may want to check again...

Suppose, as mcholewa22 a couple comments below suggested, and this was actually food storage. What's to say that wasn't a refrigeration unit and that cistern was maybe actually a place to store ice to put on top of the meat and veggies in the bins to the sides?

I'm referencing you in a new comment above.

"What is it like to dine on a prehistoric beast?"

I'd keep my '96 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4x4. It's already proven itself pretty indestructible.

Yep! Snazzy!

I've posted this one before, but still fantastic!

Awesome passenger sunroof, and room for 7 more...

They just don't make em like they used to...

The other yacht not included...