
I used to subscribe to the 'if there was no religion, it'd be something else' argument, but I don't anymore.

I just assume that things like this have occurred to the characters, and that there's an in-universe reason for three-dimensional space so frequently being treated like the two dimensional sea.

CONCEPT: Toilet beasts

TRUMP: "These gun people - these stupid anti-gun people. Haven't these people ever seen a James Bond or Indiana Jones picture? In Die Hard, in Die Hard the guy managed to take out all the terrorists. All of them. Pop pop pop. A whole building saved. One man. So what I wanna know is… what woulda happened… if some of

Saying 'absence of evidence is not the same thing as evidence of absence is a logical fallacy' is a logical fallacy.

See, I am a big fan Stephen Colbert, but bits like that have always made me really uncomfortable.

In those words?

Read the bit which 'given that' refers to.

What I'm saying is that Cameron's spent his entire life incredibly rich, incredibly connected, and with access to the best tuition. He inherited these advantages through his family. The average person in the U.K. has none of those advantages.

I don't have a degree from Oxford, you're dead right.

There's a lot of things I feel angry about, all at different levels. You can be horrified by mass-murder and irritated by jingoistic posturing at the same time.

At the start of his stint as P.M., I was sure Cameron was a well-meaning person who had lived far too privileged a life to realise how the world actually works, and how damaging his policies were.

Ehhhhh hold on there's a major difference between being irritated at a cartoon's tasteless, dumb, militaristic message and murdering cartoonists.

'Hamfaced cockwomble' is a superb description of our P.M.; it's only not perfect because it doesn't communicate his ignorance nor how out of his depth he is.

I remember Republicans mentioning the fact that Kerry could speak French in order to attack him during the 2004 election.

Officer: "This is the rebel who surrendered to us."

I initially read this as 'other on the autistic spectrum', which made it even funnier.

"Ooh, an interview with Lorne Michaels. Wait, that's no good."

I got a bit irritated in Skyfall when he said that: the country he works for is the United Kingdom; his mum was French, his dad Scottish; and he was raised, at least as a young boy, in Scotland. He should've said 'the UK', but 'Scotland' would've made more sense than 'England'.

Does anyone else find the advertising for this really off-putting? Every still, particularly the one currently heading the UK Netflix page - with Ansari standing in a street looking expressionless but wide-eyed while car lights blur behind him - make it look like navel-gazing, trying to be hip, 'Garden