
She didn't say Harry should've ended up with Hermione - she only said she thought, in retrospect, Hermione and Ron probably wouldn't have worked as a married couple. The Dumbeldore is gay thing - when there's nothing there to suggest he's straight, and a pretty big hint that he was infatuated with another man, it's

This isn't news! She's been saying this since the late 90s! Am I the only one who listens when fantasy authors confirm pronunciations?

Yeah I - without having seen that book for more'n fifteen years - remember a few little extra bits very vividly.

R2 wasn't - he was real in the prequels except for bits when he was hovering on his rockets or popping out of Anakin's spaceship. While it was nice, and is nice, of Lucasfilm to keep hiring Kenny Baker for a job that could nowadays be easily automated, I've always thought being inside the R2D2 machine must be fucking

Don't be daft - 'daft' isn't prissy!

Yeah Maslany's great in Orphan Black but her character in Parks and Recreation was that kind of stock sitcom 'new-love-interest-who-has-to-be-likeable-so-we'll-make-them-a-blandly-overconfident-and-slightly-snarky-in-a-way-that-would-be-a-bit-off-putting-in-real-life-straight-man,' like Phoebe's husband in Friends,

I once woke up shouting from a nightmare in which I'd been putting woolen gloves in my mouth. When I'm awake my mind resists imagining that horrible, horrible feeling.

Since this is likely the last chance, I have two questions I never quite answered to my own satisfaction -

The Siouxsie Soux song and final fight had very strong MGS vibes - Hannibal and the MGS games have a lot in common:

Prometheus's problem is that it seemed to have been written by a bunch of Hicks: some of the decisions Scott and Lindelof made warrant a Kane-ing. It'll take good word of mouth to make us Parker asses in front of Prometheus 2 - if they screw up so badly a second time they'll need to sneak out of the premiere in

"Let's not go overboard; let's just make a new trilogy, leaving a few years between them, and keep the films special.'
"You're fired."
"And with good cause!"

In 20 years it will be more than 10! Aren't they shooting for one a year? So we'll have trilogies going on every second year, with anthology films between them.

Yeah I know what you mean. It's great having trailers on demand instantly, but I remember going to the cinema in that magic 90s through early 2000s time when you might be surprised by a Star Wars, Jurassic Park, or Lord of the Rings trailer. Even looking at the posters in the lobby was exciting!

Yes, I am seriously concerned about this. I'm a massive Star Wars fan, but it just risks diluting it horribly. As quite good as Rogue One is sounding, I wish they'd just stuck to doing episodes - keep it a story, rather than a multi-faceted franchise.

Me too - I'm Scottish, and for far too much of my life thought Leeds was near Glasgow.

I am very forgiving when it comes to narrative vs plausibility, and by no means an anal nitpicker, but even for Futurama some of the logistics of Billion Backs bugged me. Every intelligent living thing in the universe goes with Yivo? How many trillions of trillions of beings would that be? And how would they all fit

I don't think Americans are particularly ignorant of their neighbours - large swathes of the global population are ignorant (this isn't their fault - your access to, or, having access, engagement with education depends entirely on the circumstances you're born into) and America has it's fair share.

Speaking as a British person, I can say that:

"any monster that you can beat just by driving a hundred miles a day from wherever you are is not especially terrifying"

I liked it: she obviously gets why he did it, and a short time later does the exact same thing presumably without the infodump (the guys on the boat).