
I’m all for a Reckoning, but the Reckoning is a joke if it doesn’t bring down the most consequential abuser of them all, Donald Trump.

Sounds to me like the studio is safeguarding the project as the Reckoning continues. Bryan Singer must be seriously connected to not have been named thus far (as well as quashing it the last time it was).

Damn it. I like Big Macs. To my defense, I only allow myself to sink to these deplorable levels about once a year.

honestly, i’m underwhelmed. i was expecting his order to be much bigger than that.

I saw a promo and thought it couldn’t possibly be real. I then watched a bit and couldn’t yelling and getting angry. Who thinks of crap like this? Who the fuck authorized it? I mean, educating people is one thing. But you can do that without A. Having such a shitty name and B. victim blaming. Because that’s literally

I know about the show, don’t dare to watch it because my blood pressure will probably go through the roof.

Netherlands is pretty fucking shit at the moment. There’s a show on I think BNN called ‘Rape or not rape?’. I shit you not. And they have a ton of scenario’s playing out and then afterwards a panel of people discuss whether or not it’s rape.

A little OT but I’m FUMING. I just heard a fragment of a Dutch radio show in which the two DJs had hired a streaker to dangle his naked penis in front of the face of a 20 year old female singer. She starts to cry, and they are laughing their heads off. Then she apologizes, you know, for not being cool. She sobs: ‘I’m

The video was weird, disjointed, and didn’t go far enough. It was barely funny too. I’m tired of people not taking the reality of being a woman/femme seriously. Women/femme-identified people are literally being harassed/injured/dying at the hands of misogyny/patriarchy and hardly anyone gives a shit.

“Prude” shaming was what I was trying to describe yesterday in a meandering and not so precisely expressive comment that I made about ML harrassing Meredith Vieria (sp?) in that video .

“I would like the cocktail sauce without horseradish or Tabasco.

Taylor Swift thinks cocktail sauce is spicy

If you are the type of person who considers Taylor Swift a bad bitch, then I guess you also think sour cream is spicy.

But even though he was a playboy, he was a prude, colleagues said.

But they are now an extremely small voting base.

His voting base is stupider, they voted for him.

Alas, so is his solid voting base.