
They were a ton of work but the level of pride I had over them was kind of sad. And your right, the reaction from kids is the best.

Take care of yourself. That is an awful situation. I hope your grandmother realizes her mistake and apologizes to you.

A more personal post compared to my other “discovery” post.

My adoption of my daughter became official this past Thursday. My husband adopted her, too. It was pretty fucking awesome. I worked so hard to get her back. So many years. Feels good as hell, y’all.

I had my first glühwein of the season, and it’s the first time I’ve felt a little calm in like three months.

American news is really bad at covering not-American stuff :(

I’m not sure how to start this, Jezzies. Especially, given the fact that this issue should’ve been put to rest last week.

This is terrifying...and I haven’t heard a word about it. That’s shameful. Please stay safe and thank you for bringing this to our attention. :/

Spent the day putting up holiday decorations, now I’m wiped out. Amy liked the tree skirt:

Great. Been waiting for Saturday Night Social. What a week! Writing from HONDURAS here – where the president has declared martial law after the voting process started to sour on him. (This president was seeking reelection). It looks like a civil war is soon to be on our hands, but there is a lot of press neglect- I’m

I coached a bunch of middle schoolers at a robotics competition today. Seeing all those kids giving up a Saturday for science and engineering makes me optimistic for the future.

Always trust the judgement of animals and children. They can identify an asshole from 10 feet away.

“I used to be a wolf. Now look at me. That’s what I get for playing genetic Russian roulette.”

It’s textbook. The cycles of abuse, the multiple attempts to leave...

“You do NOT DESERVE my fluffypanted adorability, you monster. UNHAND ME AT ONCE.”

I can’t believe that Annette doesn’t want o be around to witness how #humbled and #blessed Matt is on his apology tour.

Nothing James Franco does can surprise me, except if he were to suddenly stop behaving bizarrely.

I hope she took the dog.

Even that dog looks like it hates him.