
Why don’t more people love him?! I don’t get how he’s not mentioned as frequently as Colbert and Kimmel.

“Congratulations, I’ll pray for our child.”

Especially since the kid was in NICU, as I recall!! He’d better have gotten her a hell of a push present after that one.

Aren’t we “oldes” awesome, though?!!

Seth Meyers is also killing it.

Between North Korea, taxes, Iran, the Dreamers, healthcare, police brutality, voting rights, etc. it seems that everything is going badly. But it’s such a relief that at least Tony and Deedee are back together. It really takes some of the stress off.

Uhhh...didn’t he also text her “I’ll pray for our child,” when the kid was born? Would take more than a couple months for me to move past that, if I were in her shoes.

Y’know how some things really stick in your head forever? I remember the Bette Midler interview from its original airing, and for 26 years, whenever I’ve seen or even heard references to Geraldo Rivera, my mind goes straight to her description of that attack. It’s just that gross.

I can’t help seeing this while reading about the Alabama churchgoers supporting Roy Moore...

Take comfort in the knowledge that since Kimmel started speaking out politically, his ratings have climbed steadily, and according to the most recent rating trend reports, Kimmel is now on target to bump Fallon out of second place by about February (Colbert will, of course, retain first place in the late night

So Jimmy Kimmel sent an employee down here to Theodore for Roy Moore’s fundraising thing last night. He was kicked out after heckling Moore, which I thought was hilarious, but the locals are piiiiisssed. They’re like “He disrespected a CHURCH! This is the worst thing to ever happen, ever!” The irony of their standing

It is wonderful, but Moore’s tweets still make me boil with rage.

He can stay there. Airholes, no airholes, I’m not picky.

He’s been MIA ...Probably hiding out in Al Capone’s vault.

The Kimmel v. Roy Moore exchange is deeelicious. That is all.

Or maybe Geraldo should be fucking fired like the rest of the pervert squad.

Harry and Meghan knew better than to go for an early May wedding. Can’t be upstaging my birthday.

Good luck stuffing a squatty potty into a stocking... lol. The rest of the ideas are pretty great though.

Good luck stuffing a squatty potty into a stocking... lol. The rest of the ideas are pretty great though.

This is such an amazing post. Thanks Shep.

This is such an amazing post. Thanks Shep.

Based on people’s reactions to celebrities who re-home a pet (i.e. Pratt, Dunham, Markle) I suspect there will be a lot of comments unhappy with that advice to LW3, but it’s right and good. That family deserves better than to live with animals that attack them, and those cats deserve to have a home where they don’t