
I would like to tattoo this on his forehead.

Skeet Ullrich, once known as ‘the poor gal’s Johnny Depp.’

***Curse Approved***

How could I forget about this beautiful gif. And Billy Bush, the guy who set Al Roker’s teeth on edge in this, is gone now too. Byyyye

If he sprinkles a little baking soda on it, it will help with the pain.

Poor Armie Hammer. I can’t imagine the pain and turmoil he’s going through by being called white and privileged. How dare anyone not mistake his utter mediocrity for genius?

I hope every morning he opens his eyes the first thing Matt Lauer realizes that no one likes him, he has no power or influence, his children will be ashamed by their last name, and that his legacy will forever be that of a rapist. Fuck that fuckface.

Rachel Maddow said that night that NBC believed that he was in breach of contract, so he wouldn’t get paid.

Yeah, no. Sexually assaulting someone is not a “flaw”, it is a conscious choice that he made. By comparing it to an innate character trait he is distancing himself from his actions and mitigating responsibility. Fuck him.

There are no words to express my sorrow and regret for the pain I have caused others by words and actions. To the people I have hurt, I am truly sorry.

I like this theory but it’s far too comforting. :(

Next years SAT:

That actually makes me feel kinda good.

Pretty telling that “talent” was the chosen substitute word for “pussy”, isn’t it? Because that’s all a woman is good for in the world of Trump and MAXIMUM GOLF.

Do you ever get the feeling that we must have all died at some point over the past three years and this is, well, hell?

Teaching the Miller’s Tale today and got to the part where Nicholas goes up to Alison and “grabs her by the quim” and my students didn’t snicker as they have in previous years. They were instantly ticked off and said “creep” and “like Trump” and laughed and continued. I have a room full of young adults who view sexual

Please tell me that “talent” is not going to be a new euphemism.