
I thought it was down graded from a state visit to a working visit. The Queen is 91, she doesn’t need that shit. It would be fun to see Phil bitch slap 45 his last act before climbing in his coffin.

I always thought she looked like 35 years of meth.

Oh, yeah! And another really hidden racist bit about him in that article:

“he latched onto a narrative that paints someone else in a bad light, it’s something that he himself is guilty of”

How can this scumbag fucking hypocrite even think the words “fake news” after retweeting 100% proven undeniably fake racist videos? That level of hypocrisy should cause a spacial event where he gets spontaneously sucked into his own asshole.

I’m still hoping that Pence will get on a plane, and Donnie will wander on to it too. Then it’s finger-crossing time;)

I watched the clip and to me he just seemed like he as zero attention span and saw an opportunity for a little adoration. Honestly, I think I would be more comfortable knowing his behavior was due to some impairment but all I see is a personality disorder.

Now you’re being mean. Goldfish have a way better attention span.

I used to scoff at the dementia theories, pointing out that he’s always been an idiot, a liar, and a narcissist. I’m starting to wonder, though. He’s seemed not okay since his Asia trip, and that’s by the very low bar set by his previous behavior.

He went from praising Fox News in one tweet to slamming NBC for harboring sexual deviants in the next one. He has the memory of a goldfish.

Donald Trump, gets lost walking off a plane, speech grows more incoherent as the day gets longer, is prone to emotional outbursts, acts like a child at times, and shows other signs of dementia PLUS has a family history of it. No one does anything.

Meanwhile, in the UK, Theresa May tuts, but Trump is still invited for a state visit...

It’s appropriate that Conway is handling the response the opioid crisis considering she always looks like she just shot up a syringe full of skag

Just heard this from my friend who once worked around John Conyers as a staffer for another senator- indeed a total sexist creep. His deal apparently was more the old-fashioned sexist BS of making all of his staffers wear high heels and skirts to work. One young woman showed up for her first day of work in pants/flats

Now playing

he rapidly approaching ‘James Brown on CNN on PCP’ incoherence...

For the record:

Add to that that the NYT is reporting that in recent months, Trump has again been questioning Obama’s birth certificate. So he gets high marks for full on racism!

  • Here’s a super coherent speech on tax reform from our president. [Twitter]

Which policy is that again? The policy of getting nothing done, not filling cabinet positions and then pissing away 30% of your time at a golf course?

I heard the president did some thoughtful retweeting today!