
Fun fact; Rep. Mo Brooks just said the following about Moore’s other accuser (the one with the yearbook):

Republicans NEVER have to pay a price for their awfulness. Democrats lose control of Congress EVERYTIME they try to reform Healthcare, While the GOP ratfucks the poor and keep control.

I doubt it will haunt them for years, though I wish it were so. More likely it will continue a process pushing out the old guard who would hold people like Moore accountable within the party. Old school Republicans will stay because they still agree with enough of the GOP platform to vote for monsters, and they will

The rest of the country isn’t doing any better. Just look at who is in the White House. We’re doomed. Republican voters fall in line and will put up with any type of hypocritical behavior.

It’s Alabama. I’m not even saying this jokingly but they’re always 50 to 75 years behind the rest of the country.

And yet he’s still ahead in the polls. There’s no hope for this country.

Everything they do us based on anger. Nothing matters except making the other side just as pissed off as they worked themselves up into. It’s a weird delusional shithouse mentality and they keep sucking it up like a drug addict. It’s so much easier to keep fuming than it is to stop and reflect what might actually be

To be fair a lot of people in Alabama have been horrible for a long long time. This is the same place where little black girls were bombed in a church, and then they violently assaulted people for the crime of wanting to be educated in a white school. They fought for segregation, jim crow, they slaughtered anyone

Black women voted overwhelmingly against Trump (90% +) and I’m dead sure they’ll vote against Roy Moore overwhelmingly, too. They’re not the problem.

This is a setup. If Moore clearly and unequivocally calls Corfman a liar in response, she has a slam-dunk libel case (and all the attendant discovery, testimony under oath, etc. that implicates). If he doesn’t, he’s tacitly admitting the allegations. It’s a good move. If Moore wins this will haunt the Republican party

White women will, at least

Yep. Alabama will absolutely elect Roy Moore; a disgraced judge kicked off the bench twice for violating the Constitution, who called for a ban on gay people, asserted that Muslims should not be allowed to serve in Congress, who was banned from a local mall for stalking and trying to date teenage girls, who called

This is such a depressing story because you know this guy is about to be elected to the senate. It’s just an echo of the 2016 election. And a constant reminder that the people of 2017 are just terrible people.

It’s basically DIY Dunkaroos! Same concept holds for pretzels/graham crackers and giant jars of Nutella.

while dipping Teddy Grahams in Funfetti.

Not Markle related, but when I was living in my first apartment and worked Monday nights, almost every week I had a weird routine: get off work, pick up chicken lo mein, come home and watch The Big Lebowski. I had a roommate but she pretty much lived with her fiance. It was a magical, sodium-ridden time.

Two years out of college I lived in a cottage with my best friend and, during the rare evenings we weren’t both working, we watched a lot of Hallmark Channel movies while dipping Teddy Grahams in Funfetti. Just thinking about it gives me a headache now, but what I’m trying to say is that there is a time and a place

I can’t qwhite put my finger on what the reason for this discrepancy might be.

I think it is the eighth season that Meghan will not be appearing in, the seventh just wrapped filming.