
Stunt’s ride looks quite cunning.

Deadpool has twice as many swords and eyes! They have golden arches, we have golden arcs!

Shouldn’t he be using a TRS-80 instead?

That’s what they telescope they sent is for.

I’ve had a few, and they’re not bad once I get past the historical irony of a tee-totaling beer alternative used as a flavor for actual beer. But let’s face the plain fact: these are just wine coolers for guys.

Not as bad as raincoat & pants, I find, even in Austin.

Rain capes: they are pretty much magic.

Maybe playing off his anti-regulation voting record on firearms?

The motor interfaces with the bottom bracket, boosting the amount of force being put into the drivetrain; coasting is made possible by the freewheel hub on the rear wheel.

Will it baby?


Come now, tortured acronyms are as much a tradition in space programs as rocket fuel and jumpsuits.

Hook and/or gig them.

Byrne did a similar thing with Buddy Blank in his OMAC miniseries.

My thoughts exactly; there’s no way the finer particles end up with enough air mixed in between them to exceed the original volume. They should naturally pack more closely.

Live Oak in Austin has an excellent hefe, as does Circle.

Truck this now.


Diamond Age mites, v0.1. Watch out for the falling toner.

Intuition is a lie we tell ourselves when we make an irrational choice that works out. See also: Confirmation Bias.