
In this context, I’m pretty sure “peak hold” means displaying the maximum reading until the gauge is reset. That way you can Instagram it more safely.

I was actually shaking with barely-contained laughter by the end of this list. If only I wasn’t on a call at the time!

Like the man said: blessed are the drivers, for they shall ensmogify the earth.

Perhaps he misidentified the cilantro?

For some reason, seeing the Dr in Dr Pepper spelled out like this looks really, really strange.


If “grater” is out, perhaps a microplane or zester?

Pucker up!

The red field/blue field with a white outline in between just makes me think of sports league logos.

Check out Blue Owl when their cans hit shelves. Their flavors seem a bit more accessible than JK’s .

Yeah, but if there was a Testarossa in my driveway that I could use anytime I pleased, but I just couldn’t sell or trade it, I don’t think I’d feel compelled to get the title in my name. Even though you have access to view and thereby enjoy every card already, in order to move them from the All folder to the My

This is the bit that has me wondering what the appeal is. If owning a card just means the image shows up under one heading instead of another, wouldn’t just ignoring the names of the categories allow you to “own” everything?

I came in to suggest this very thing. DOOOOO EEEEET!

At first, I thought this said ROLLIGIONS! and expected an article about some bizarre extinct moto-cult that as an article of faith used laying under moving vehicles in the same way other faiths use handling snakes. The actual article was OK, too, I suppose.

Looks like a great big Tylenol.

Crumble zones are used to get better scores in crush tests.

At Ma Bell, they helped develop the Ill Communication.

A pilot project to bring back BigStuf Oreos should be launched, a la Jurassic Park.

I know this one! It’s supposed to be Captain Atom, but that’ll leak, so they’ll switch it to be Hawk.