
I think that a wireless device in the style of this cartoon would have some sort of ray emanating from the antennae. Rather, I believe it’s more likely that the cinematograph and the fan are supposed to be connected by the wires running up from the cinematograph out of frame to the ceiling, then back down the an

How is this wheel moving?

Zombie M& Ms!

My commute is of similar length; perhaps you too might enjoy a biologically powered two-wheeled conveyance?

Resembles nothing so much as a steampunk arc reactor, possibly belonging to Brass Man.

That’s Bumblebee from the Hearts of Steel series! I don’t think I’d spend the time and heartache to craft it from paper, but I’d buy a reasonably-priced plastic version in a heartbeat.

You’ll put your eye out, kid!

Little-known fact: A “windshield” used to be a person employed to block the wind and keep debris and insects from hitting the driver. The the Global Union of Horseless-Carriage Windshieldsmen worked for years to keep their positions from being automated, but their lack of transparency ultimately doomed them.


Reflective-walled bike tires would be the cheap way to this; I have a set on my commuter.

Tough on dirt, though.

Powered by Red Bull?

What kind of brake is this?

Ceci n'est pas une Evoque.

Luna is just latin for "Moon". There's no internationally agreed-upon name for it beyond what everyone calls it in their native language. For that matter, the English word for our planet (which also has no internationally agreed-upon name) is just a fancy term for dirt.

They've just become so weird lately, like a once-popular celebrity grasping for relevance. Given their professed beliefs, I get their classic anti-gay schtick. I even kinda-sorta see how they rationalize extending it to soldiers' funerals. But by this rubric, they should be protesting every activity that's not

Although it was standard in the US, other markets had a better-looking Suzuki Aerio SX because they did without this goofy too-low kit which constantly caught on curbs and parking blocks and causes most specimens to lose their front tow hook cover when backing out.

I think the MTE's predecessor, the IntelliMouse Trackball, was also missing.

Brilliant! Also, Huffer was my first Transformer, too. I don't think they could get away with that name these days.