
So, this is HEL on wheels?

I would love to switch to that method (especially given the cost of a new 8-speed Alfine hub!), but ours is a comb-style rack ( |¯|¯|¯¯|¯|¯|¯¯|¯|¯| ) which is too short to get my 700C wheels into properly. Since I can't get the rear triangle close enough to the vertical parts to put a lock through it, I lift the front

It's Time for Timer!

I usually go with a U lock on the frame & front wheel, plus a cable that loops from the U lock, around the back wheel and back. I park in a pretty safe-ish (low foot traffic, corporate parking garage, right next to the security golf cart) area, though, which might better explain my luck

I like the Grand Municipal for what it is, but the price is much too steep to make it a good value.

That'd be my preference, too, actually, but since the Republican majority in the House has sworn fealty to Grover Norquist, that leaves the executive branch to handle it. While it lacks the power of the purse, it does have the power to enact regulations. When all you've got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail, I

Making consumers bear more of the cost of driving is the whole point. The costs of gas & diesel usage are not wholly contained in the price of the commodity itself. To mitigate these negative externalities (air pollution, greenhouse gasses, foreign policy complications), we need to use less. That can be accomplished

The New York Central Hudson of the 20th Century Limited

Now I have to ask my friend on HPD if he was involved in this thing. I may die laughing if he was.

Singe du Porte?

I'd like a plate of linguini carbonara with my Lamborghini Carbonado.

Lately, Republicans' mantra regarding the military has been "Listen to the commanders!" Apparently, this only applies when the commanders disagree with the current commander in chief.

I'm going to guess Mark is British, and that I can safely assume that the azhdarchid looking into a first-floor window in the UK would be a second-story window-peeker in the US. This is always an issue when Texans try to meet English girls on the 3rd floor.

I love this series of books; here's hoping the film does them justice. As for the title, I can't speak to this one, but I think that one of the sequels, Pirates! In an Adventure With Communists, would never sell in these here parts.

First rule in government spending: why build one when you can have two at twice the price?

One can assume that the entirety of TNG is composed of the times the didn't listen to Worf. Usually, they heed his wise calls to caution; when they don't, we get an episode.

Swiss? Looks like it was designed by Swedes!

Anyone care to translate the Spanish ones? Bonus points for maintaining syllable counts.