Repsol Honda

Jim Harbaugh isn’t the kind of guy who plays catch. Harbaugh is the kind of guy who goes out into the woods with his glove and baseball, then proceeds to hunt with nothing other than his fastball. You should have seen the look on Bambi’s face when Big Jim killed her mother with a shot between the eyes.

A long time ago, I worked for Starbucks. The store I worked at while on a busy main road, was not nearly as busy as the store could have been due to being on the wrong side of the road. At the time I was there, they closed for Christmas day, until one year when corporate was insistent on the store opening. Naturally

Absolutely not true, he still is a public figure. This article should make it more than apparent that he is not a private citizen. The public has a right to know no matter how much you dislike this reality.

Oh look, it’s perfect metaphor of Tiger Woods’ career starting with late 2009.

He is a public figure, he has no expectation to the same level of privacy that private citizens have.

A clear statement would do wonders to stop people from asking ever again. Refusing to be upfront about it keeps the whole story going after all of this time. If they truly want everyone to move on, they’ve done a remarkable job of ensuring the complete opposite occurs. Makes me wonder almost if it’s a full-on Weekend

His family and those around him have handled this episode quite horribly. Given there were millions of fans who worshiped Schumacher for 20 years or so, they deserve to know what the real state of his health is. They’ve created an atmosphere that preys on the emotions of fans by issuing vague or misleading

Amusing thing about this is that it sounds like the local governments will be coming up with the money should this go off...and the money will be used to pay Bernie, who owns the track. Had Bernie ever given one iota of a shit about F1, he would have run that race himself. Of course, he isn’t about to pay himself for

Hunt drove in F1 in 1977, 1978, and part of 1979 after winning the title in 1976.

Hunt still drove in 1977, 1978, and part of 1979.

I imagine seconds after hearing this, Alonso and Briatore were on the phone with Daimler management...

My Favorite image of Keke....that picture is so awesome, it’s enough to tempt me to start smoking again!

The Chase was another one of those stupid rule changes that managed to alienate long-time fans and not attract new fans. Yet here we are, still having to deal with this garbage every year. Sometimes I wonder if NASCAR is intent on trying to ensure less and less people tune in each year to watch their product. No other

Are you sitting on a stash of E36's and trying to generate value so you can start flippin’?

I play my original NES hooked up to a CRT TV...and can play many more games. I’ll stick to that rather than some overpriced ROM box that can’t be expanded.

Sad story, and really hammers home how devastating the effects of alcohol can be, as well as the psychological grip it can have on the individual. Thank you for writing this Dave. Having seen firsthand some of the damage alcohol visits upon not only the user, but families, I wonder why the outcry over tobacco is as

Well, it’s nice to see something in Denver finally covering more ground than any pass Peyton Manning threw in 2015.

The delay in confirming drivers was about seeing if Magnussen could come up with the sponsorship dollars necessary to get the second seat in the team. He couldn’t and that was why he found himself out of the team. F1 is a business, not a charity. You also are leaving out that McLaren was still helping out Magnussen

Going to be fascinating to see what happens with this. Bruce McLaren may have started the company, but Ron Dennis is McLaren for better or worse. Even though it seems like there’s no way out, I’ve come to the conclusion over the years that it’s an unwise proposition to ever underestimate Ron Dennis as he’s been around

“These things happen.”