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Namana twists were a form of candy.

The dark warrior was also known for his fiery temper, but compared to Vader, Ren seems less able to control his own anger. Met with adversity, he would throw dramatic tantrums where he might lash out with his lightsaber at anything within sight, devastating equipment simply to express his frustration. If they could,

Largely unexplored throughout galactic history, it remained a mystery to space travelers and served as a source of tales and wonders.

At times, oil could get clogged in a droid's photoreceptors.

It features short Imperial propaganda reports tying into Star Wars Rebels.

Imperial March Remix was a remixed version of the popular tune "The Imperial March." The song was played on the First Death Star by the time of its construction.

A parsec was a unit of distance equivalent to about 19 trillion miles. Despite a parsec being a unit of distance and not time, Han Solo twice boasted about the speed of his spaceship by claiming it made the Kessel Run in "less than twelve parsecs."

Fellow working droid G2-9T considered Dad Star Tours's best pilot.

"Commodore, eh? Does that come with a hat?"
-Han Solo, after his appointment to commanding officer of the New Republic Fifth Battle Group in 16 ABY

The fifth part compared the pink astromech droids R2-KT and QT-KT to the pink-colored reconnaissance fighters used by the British Royal Navy.

Big Two was a term used to refer to Cybot Galactica and Industrial Automaton, the two largest droidmanufacturers in the galaxy.

The exact nature of magic remains in dispute among philosophers, as does its relationship to the Force proper. It is possible that all "magic" traditions were simply different methods of accessing the same Force, or were emanations of different aspects of it. More so than the Force, magic potency could be trapped in

Phasma was a female individual who stood at 2.0 meters tall.

While most droids were predictable to certain stereotypes (bossy, sullen, grumpy) within their respective programming, BB-8 was his own case, sometimes childlike, sometimes precocious. In fact, Dameron sometimes wondered if the droid daydreamed, even though that implied the absurd—that BB-8 had an active imagination.

A high degree of male chauvinism was also seen in the Empire's government and military. Combining the rampant misogyny with the alien persecution, the Empire was often referred to as having "Non-huMan policies".

The fisherman was given the appearance of the famous musician and actor David Bowie.

Neither his name nor his species was revealed in that issue, but in response to a question from a fan on Miller's blog jokingly asking if the character was the same species as Doctor Zoidberg from Futurama, Miller revealed that he was in fact a member of the Khil race, introduced by West End Games' Wanted

Trust Me was a starship which was used as a pirate vessel during an ambush near the Space station, Darknon Station.

In 2011, Johnston said he was "trying to get George [Lucas] to make a feature based on Boba Fett."

Paintings were generally transported in specialized containers.