Reposted Wookieepedia

In Mulholland's scenes as Jabba, Jabba is a rotund Human dressed in a shaggy fur coat.

The Lurmen in "Jedi Crash" and "Defenders of Peace" speak with Irish and Scottish accents.

During a dance routine, the stripper would take off his or her outer garments in a stylistic fashion, revealing either their nude or semi-nude forms or revealing underwear.

Despite his awkward appearance, Mon was a skilled and powerful combatant, and during his youth, he was considered handsome by Chevin standards.

Though past elements of the Expanded Universe have been declared non-canon as a whole, they remain a resource for future Star Wars material to reference elements of the EU, thus bringing these elements into the new continuity as canon.

At the incredibly young age of 80, the up-and-coming gangster established his criminal empire on the remote world of Tattooine, located in the Tattoo system. In 516 BBY, he moved his criminal operations into an old B'omarr Monastery, safely nestling himself in the planet's comfortable obscurity.

Later George Lucas stepped in and specifically asked for Ziro to sound like Truman Capote.

A credit card was a form of monetary payment used by the Quarren.

When spoken, the A in "bad" is sometimes drawn out, as "I have a baad feeling about this."

Deesco was a genre of music and dance practiced by the Gungans, a species of amphibious humanoids from the planet Naboo.

He made his acting debut on "The Bill Cosby Show" (1969) in 1970.

A common misconception is that "poodoo" refers to a bantha's feces.

Hux was a male individual who served as a general in the First Order.
- From Hux

Harmon Kizzlebrew was a beverage served at the Farrimmer Cafe.
- From Harmon Kizzlebrew

Among the gra species, genetic engineering by sentient beings was so extensive that gra sperm and ova were sold with instruction manuals.

Sperm was a biological substance involved in the reproduction of certain species, during which it was often paired with an ova.

Midi-chlorians are part of a recurring theme throughout the movie, that of symbiotic relationships.

Zorba: "I will not calm down! I want information about Jabba! And I'll pay five gemstones to anyone who talks!"

"Zorba has been a shameful pus-filled boil on the glorious Hutt business community, and this sentencing is a heated lancing long overdue. His selfish antics have given an unwarranted criminal taint to the Hutt reputation that can now begin to rebuild with his absence."
- Aruk Besadii Aora

According to Ewok legend, a cruel princess named Weechee married a handsome prince, only to discover he was an evil night spirit.