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A common misconception is that he hated Kenobi. In truth, he loved the character, but later disliked being identified solely with his role as the Jedi Master. [source?]

This has led to some inconsistences in the reported length of the vessel in different Star Wars publications. The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels (2003) states that the Falcon is 26.7 meters long. In August 2008, Star Wars Blueprints: The Ultimate Collection gave the length as 35.36 meters, while the Millen

Surrounding the throne room and its neighboring rooms was the abyss, an open shaft surrounding the turbolifts, which led directly to the Death Star's power core, 400 km (250 miles) below.
- From Imperial throne room (Death Star II)

Spectacles were very rare, as advanced surgery and cybernetic implants were more efficient in many ways.

Erected atop a hundred story mooring tower on the surface of the second Death Star, the Imperial throne room was a series of chambers reserved for the exclusive use of Galactic Emperor Palpatine during his visits to the heavily armed space station.

The moustachioed Fat Man was a thin, black-haired male Human living on the planet Nadiem during the final decade of the Galactic Republic.

Kevin Pollack provided a voice for Ewoks: The Battle for Endor.

This incredible chrome box houses 20 beautiful offset lithographs of Doug Chiang's Episode I production paintings.

The Adventurers of the Starkiller, Episode I: The Star Wars was the second draft of the script to the film which would become Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.

Among his colleagues on the Jedi High Council, he was known to have a penchant for mischief and practical jokes.

The comedian's jokes were not always appreciated and he offended an audience on Rodia wih jokes about their leader, Navik the Red.

A trolling cable was an electromagnetic rope used to attract and retrieve non-organic objects.

Although Cushing's character was based on the protagonist of that series, his portrayal of the character was fundamentally different, most especially in the fact that Cushing's Dr. Who was a human, whereas the original Doctor was extraterrestrial.

Several plot points had been discussed for the sequel trilogy that were eventually condensed into Return of the Jedi. According to Gary Kurtz, the producer of A New Hope and Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, the creative team had discussed the sequels showing Skywalker's new life with the Jedi, finding his

A race with Solo past a neutron star almost ended in disaster when her hypdrive failed an Solo nearly died rescuing her. Disturbed by the narrow miss, Zend wished to marry Solo, but he refused and said goodbye to her.

Now captured and imprisoned, Ahsoka faces punishment for crimes she did not commit…

A computer enhanced scope compensated for dark, hazy or smoky conditions, while a supplementary computer enabled the scope to display data specific to the weapon's current operating mode.

The underbelly of the Whaladon was scored with ridges that ran parallel to the length of the creature. They also had large mouths, which ran across their snouts, from one pectoral fin to the other.

A jizz-wailer was a term for musicians who specialized in playing jizz songs. Evar Orbus and His Galactic Jizz-Wailers was the forerunner to the Max Rebo Band.

Cos Dashit was the Emperor of the New Galactic Empire.