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Droopy McCool, once known by the alias Snit, was a Kitonak member of the Max Rebo Band.

Ackbar's commitment to military service meant that he found little time for marriage or children. This was not uncommon amongst many of the early leaders of the Rebel Alliance, as devotion to duty left little time for romance or affection.

The trap was a tactical maneuver used during starfighter combat.

Precious was the name given to one of the exoboars in the litter of Sparky, a large exobar kept by the Ravagers pirate gang on the planet Rishi around the time of the Battle of Rishi in the Galactic War.

These changes, such as the change often referred to by fans as "Han shot first," have proven to be controversial, inciting considerable criticism of George Lucas by fans, and was one of the first causes of the Lucas Bashing phenomenon.

A historian was an individual that researched galactic history.

With his face hidden beneath his dark hood, goggles and insect-eating snout, few knew his origins.

Lobot would indenture himself to the city by becoming the first cyborg computer-liaison officer in its history.

Life can refer to:
* Life (book)
* Life (HoloNet News segment)

Cloud City techs shaved Lobot's head, drilled holes in his skull, and then fitted him with Biotech Aj/\6 cyborg headband.

A lobotomy usually resulted in a serious loss of cognitive function.

Luna-weed was a plant native to Aduba-3. If chewed, it could produce delusional effects in the user.

In his younger days, Calrissian found himself attracted to women who he found classy, intelligent and beautiful, and he was fond of such female companionship. However, for all his love of prosperity and well-run businesses, he surprised even himself when he fell in love with a woman he had planned to marry for

While their actions were inherently illegal, the morals of various pirates varied considerably.

Jerri was a young Human and member of the Des'maric Pirates.

He accomplished this seemingly impossible task by detaching part of his cybernetic headgear and reattaching it to part of the Vagabond's central nervous system, finding that he could communicate with the ship in this manner.

A towel was a piece of absorbent fabric or paper used for drying or wiping.

* In the Angry Video Game Nerd episode 94:Nintendo Days Revisited, the Angry Video Game Nerd makes a joke regarding this subject.

Due to their fish-like appearance, the Mon Calamari were referred to by the somewhat derogatory Deal-slang expression "Mon Cals in a fishbowl", which referred to the act of making several big and easy deals from naïve or less-than-intelligent clients.

Gial Ackbar was a male Mon Calamari who became the foremost military commander of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and its successor government the New Republic.