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As a child, Wuher lead a harsh life as an abandoned orphan living in Mos Eisley. As he grew he began to tinker with his chemistry kit, and developed a taste for interesting drinks which eventually lead him to bartending correspondence school. He was rejected by most people, and he witnessed the cold-blooded

The shirt also emitted a pleasant "boop" noise each time the pattern changed.

Darth may also be a portmanteau of dark and death.

Beldorion was a Hutt Jedi Knight serving the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic roughly four hundred years before the founding of the Galactic Empire. After being sent to Nam Chorios, he fell to the dark side and established himself as the ruler of the planet.

Mitth'raw'nurodo, better known by his core name Thrawn (pronounced /Thråwn/) and misinterpreted as Mitthrawdo by Vicelord Siv Kav, was a male Chiss who served in the Imperial Navy and became the only non-Human Grand Admiral.

Having captured them, he gloated over their fate and stated that they were foolish to think that they could have escaped the Star Destroyer.

While he is not in Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, he visited Abrams on the set and advised him to rely more on practical effects, explaining when his three-year old daughter had watched The Empire Strikes back with him she had exclaimed "Daddy, [Yoda] he's real!" While visiting during filming, a technician

On February 29, 2012, it was announced that Pegg would be voicing the Original trilogy bounty hunter Dengar in Bounty, an episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 4.

Unfortunately, the exact order of events and the way the multiple plans were combined by the Rebels are not clearly understood so far.

Outside of Star Wars, he is perhaps best known for his role as the Pakistani restaurateur Babu Bhatt on Seinfeld.

Bothan spies acquired top secret codes for the first Death Star and delivered them to rogue Imperial Moff Kalast, who in turn handed them over to the Rebellion. Hundreds of Bothans would be personally slaughtered by Emperor Palpatine for their treachery, most notably during the 501st Legion's retaliatory attack on the

The Victory-class Star Destroyers appeared in Hasbro's board game Star Wars: Electronic Galactic Battle as the game's equivalent to the cruiser piece in the game Battleship. However, in that game, the Victory Star Destroyer simply resembles a smaller version of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer, instead of having its

To say "Han shot first" is to refer, often with distaste, to George Lucas' changes to the original trilogy.

Since it was the first Star Wars move in 16 years, many Star Wars fans were excited when Episode I came out.

In two 1980 episodes, C-3PO and R2-D2 landed on the street in a spacecraft, to deliver a holographic message to Oscar the Grouch (Episode 1364) from Lothar the Grouch from the seventh moon of Zircon, and another one to go to the park (Episode 1396.)

Unsurprisingly for an attraction at Disneyland Paris, the Paris version of Star Tours features speech in French.

Leia's Metal Bikini is a fansite dedicated to Leia Organa's slave costume worn in Jabba's Palace in Return of the Jedi.

Duloks practiced monogamous marriage. The males could be doting husbands, spouting sweet nothings such as swampbunny to their beloved. Still, women enjoyed little status. They were primarily expected to bear and raise children and take part in certain ceremonies, and even a Dulok queen could be assigned cooking duty.

When he did finally learn to use intuition, he decided to then master the Force, despite knowing it was illogical.

During the celebrations that followed the victory against the Trade Federation, Nass agreed to play a game of Gungan dunk tank, during which people would make him fall into the water for fun. Dressed in his very own swimming attire, the Gungan would even encourage visitors to pay the "Dunk Boss Nass Bubble" a visit.