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Bossk returned, to the surprise of his father, and violently murdered him using his father's own weapon, an ornamental dagger, and devoured him as the Guild complex erupted into a massive firefight.

As an adult, Fett was very puritanical, and claimed he had not so much as held a woman in his arms, possibly as a result of his failed marriage.

After being repeatedly beaten by Boba Fett, Bossk would eventually boost his reputation by defeating Fett on Tatooine.

He was then imprisoned within The Prism, along with other prisoners deemed highly dangerous by the Jedi Order.

A replacement for Luuke, named Luuuke Skywalker, was eventually created by Thrawn, and Luuke planned to go forth to Patagonia, to accept his fate.

A cat was a kind of domesticated animal that made vocalisations that sounded like "meow."

In translations into non-English languages, Basic is assumed to be English but translated to the other language.

In Star Wars media Basic is, with the exception of a few words and phrases divised by authors, the same as English.

One simply asked the Quay a question, and the reply would boom out in a loud voice. The Weequay believed that they were the actual physical connections to the Moon God Quay, and would consider the answer as though it was of divine origin.

The title Son of Suns was referred to in an old Force prophecy that foresaw a galactic savior.

This category has the following 18 subcategories, out of 18 total.

A female individual served as the makeup artist of Imperial Head of State Jagged Fel moments before he participated in the Great Election Day Debate, which was the live debate held between all the candidates before the polling ended.

The Cult of Varn was a religion on Kamar that had a great reverence for water.

Slavers had ways of keeping their charges on their leashes, literally and figuratively.

The trap was a tactical manuver used during starfighter combat.

Questions Three was a game played between two individuals with the intent of leading more about each other.

Although Alderaan no longer existed, some surviving Alderaanians like Evaan Verlaine considered Leia Organa to be their new queen.

Magma pebbles were the most utilized non-organic weapon for the warriors of the Yuuzhan Vong and were mainly used as thrown weapons against droids.

A decorative Ceremonial Marriage Knot was tied by the Mandalorian warrior Jicoln Cadera and his wife in celebration of their union.

A watch was a type of chrono which an individual carried on his or her person.
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