
Reno is way better in my booze & food, and better scenery. I’ve tried a few times to embrace the suckiness, but alas I can take no more!

My wife lived there until 2007. She loved it and always wanted to go back. After our last trip, she wants to stay the hell away from Sin City.

I went to Hubert Keller’s burger joint in Mandalay Bay. Paid $25 for a burger that the server literally dropped on the table, along with my new wife’s burger. Needless to say, I can make a better burger on my back porch grill.

Plus Vegas is the biggest bunch of suck to ever suck!

At this point they need to scrap GOTG 3 and just keep the characters in the Marvel Universe. GOTG without JG is horseshit. GOTG is one of my favorite movies. To me, it’s like replacing RDJ with Tom Cruise for Iron Man (dodged a bullet there Marvel)

When your family gets rich building inter-state highways, it’s pretty easy to get far. On top of that, we the taxpayer put this asshole through school on Social Security survivor benefits. The only job this asshole had outside of government is Mickey D’s. 

Go back to your (one of) your homes on the coast, unplug the computer, and just stay the fuck away. Fuck Sullivan! 

You forgot Top Cat!!!

He did get busted for crack back in the early 90's, so he has that going for him...

How about Captain Slow’s Dream Chaser?

You can watch it on YouTube for free, and it has that 80's VHS vibe to it. This movie should never be placed on Blu-Ray!!!

These assholes constantly park in handicap parking spaces whilst delivering their shitty sandwiches to the building I work in. And the whole founder of said shitty sandwich chain killing drugged animals in Africa thing...

Don’t forget, Kennedy was the deciding vote in Citizens United, which brought on an orgy of dark monies...

You’re a fucked sonabitch if your business model requires you to make profit off of children or prisoners.

I love how all these CEOs state raising wages will bankrupt them, yet look how much money they spend buying politicans. Elections are a huge waste of money.

Sez the asshole who has lived off the government his entire life, all the while demeaning those of us not part of the lucky sperm club. His shitty family got rich off of gov. road contracts. He went to school on SS survivor benefits, which he didn’t need since his family is very well off

Here Here! Fuck civility! You don’t get to call the previous president all the names in the book and turn around and call for civility. I will treat them the same way they treated our previous president, who was more of a man than Tiny Thumbs will ever be!

I’m on episode 5 and I’m bored as hell. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........

My dad can’t stop raving about his. He has the XSE model. He says it’s the best car he’s ever owned. I haven’t driven it yet, but it can’t be worse than his 2011 Camry, which he traded in for the new one since it put him to sleep.

Gotta love a dumb ass rich woman. Does nothing her entire life. Her and her shitty brother need to move to Somalia.

Gotta say I was quite let down by DP2. I did think the 3rd act was better than the 1st one, but the humor felt very forced to me. A lot of the jokes fell flat, I didn’t really like the kid, and just didn’t get the feels from this like I did from the last. Domino & Cable were the best by far. Moar Cable!!!

I got tired of my 2001 Nissan Maxima when the power steering went out and I found out it would be over $1000 to fix. Since the smoke from the burning power steering fluid came through the vents when I ran the A/C, I decided I was sick of it. Still have it, but am driving an 09 Altima 2.5 SL now. I do have plans for

This fuckin’ maroon runs off his father’s name, and loses big time every time he runs.