
“the dude was lazy as fuck when he wasn’t ranting for seven hours straight in front of the adoring masses”

Yet another relevant data point here in America in 2018. 

I am finding the whole show is hard to see and hear. Like, were we supposed to be able to read Camille’s notes at the funeral or on her computer screen? Cause I didn/t 

If you want to see Sarah Palin look like a fool, check out any appearance anywhere from any time.

Yeah fuck this guy for bruising bananas he’s not going to buy.

Why stop there? Maybe put some blades in it or poison or something.

Pretty sure the half-sister’s lines were:

and still no shampoo, blow-dry and pretty hairclip for daryl...

Wow.  That cast is a veritable, “Who’s that?” of showbusiness.

As dumb and downright problematic reddit and reddit culture can be at times, this is the kind of fun dumb I can get behind. 

I’m sorry my description of five people being murdered was insufficiently cheery.

I get it was noble of Lee and all, but it was totally unnecessary for him to sacrifice himself, and probably less effective if the goal was to slow down the QA guys. He could’ve just stayed behind that tree, ranting and firing the occasional random shot and the QA guys would’ve just stayed there trying to talk him

If somebody HAD gotten the band to play "Rains of Castamere," it would have been one of the most legendary pranks. I would pay real money to see the actors' faces when that happened.

The Roanoke Colony would have been a good one to do.

Let’s talk about Carnosaur.

It’s an enormously stupid thing for a first lady to wear any time, anywhere. Period. It’s for fucking petulant teenagers.

When it comes to dinosaurs, the answer will always be “Yes it is worth my time.”

Plus that jacket is fug as hell and looks like something an ‘edgy’ teenager would make with copious amounts of whiteout.

And as someone on Twitter mentioned: it’s a $39 jacket. What are the odds that Melania owns a $39 jacket?

This jacket does not Be Best.

Hiding the card in a copy Slaughterhouse-Five makes total sense. Here’s why: