
i also want to know about the Frieslander

A Frieslander?

Considering his biggest “controversy” was looking good in a tan suit

Yeah, but he was black; we were supposed to be worrying about him being black, which apparently is way worse than being blatantly evil in public.

Every day, friend.

Remember when Barack was President and we didn’t have to worry about who anyone was fucking and what porn they were watching?

You know what? Let them be a little persecuted. Given how much more emboldened Trump’s ascension has made people who used to secretly harbor these views, it’s a good thing overall that some fear of recognition is put back into them. Not sure what more “harm” could come from this, since we already have a goddamned

ABC: We’re bringing back Roseanne!

Her dumbass views are widely known. Supporting her show is supporting her. Fuck all trump supporters forever.

So what item are far-right lunatics going to boycott and/or or smash to impotently protest this?

I know. Intolerance of intolerance is the worst kind of intolerance, isn’t it.

The horrifying triumphant rise of Roseanne followed by the almost immediate fall was so brief that it was comical.

Can they replace him in the White House?

No King recommendations, just kudos for your library shout out. Support your local library!

“You hit me with a log!”

I work in a rare book library so we have, among other publications a letter by Franklin’s wife (on black-bordered mourning paper) in an 1857 book with a map of the area - where the northwest of Canada would be is a blank. Also a book by (Harry) Goodsir’s brother Robert.

The real terror is that there’s only one episode of this show left.

Fitzjames could have been suffering a symptom of severe hypothermia known as paradoxical undressing.

Sounds legit.

Well I mean, if it was you, and you were duplicated but you still died, the duplicate would of course live on but that’s not much consolation if your own awareness ends.