
Don’t shut up, Wesley.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Vision is repaired without the Mind Stone by Shuri (if she’s not dust), since he lost his color and the all white version of the Vision is a thing (and is even him after being rebuilt after being destroyed once).

Man, I really hope Gamora isn’t perma-dead. I like the character, but holy shit, that would be the most depressing character arc in the marvel U:

Sooner or later, you gotta hang it up. We should be happy we got three seasons of this show, which seemed to just come out of nowhere, and Army of Darkness is still a classic.

Then there’s the Roger Stone, that gives the user the power to be an unrepentant slimeball while dressed as an extra from Guys and Dolls.

I didn’t think that helping out the rest of the crew was running against Hickey’s character at all. He is vain and attention-seeking, and quick to assign external blame for his troubles even as he goes out of his way to antagonize people, but he’s also considerate to those in trouble. Remember just last week when he

In general Show Hickey has a lot more depth and character than his book self.

Though I agree Dr. Stanley has clearly gone mad, I think there is a germ of beneficence in what he does. As he ha borne witness to the worsening situation, coupled with his growing madness at the hands of lead poisoning or supernatural forces, I believe that when he is told by Goodsir that the rest of the canned food

Maeve wanting to find her daughter ISN’T programming, though. Her programming is “Brothel Madam.”

“It doesn’t look like anything to me”

Hey! I was watching that!

Yeah, he’s not a journalist; he’s an “entertainer.” And, I have to admit, this whole thing is pretty fucking entertaining.

I gotta tell you, I was NOT expecting it to be a musical episode.

Rolling a window up on a giraffe’s fucking face? You incredibly, unbelievably fucking stupid person.

Then the guy goes on Jeopardy.

Ugh, it’s bad enough to listen to Eugene give a monologue, but why does he have to be eating while he does it? Foul.

“Oh, sick burn!” ~ Woodruff Randolf, President, International Typographical Union

According to some reports, the fire initially began in the president’s pants storage area.

Damn you and your kindly “email story forwarded by grandma” joke