reformed calvinist

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. I mean, fuck this new guy of course, but if you're going to copyright those three chords, then really nothing this side of the 1960s is safe.

This is wholly unnecessary…the Super Bowl already feels like it's directed by Michael Bay.

No way man… the word solider makes me think of the Kurt Russell vehicle Soldier. Which was really boring and forgettable. So yeah, we don't want to do that to our troops.

Would have loved to see The Babadook get a BP nod, instead of the usual Oscar wank that is about 2/3 of the nominees this year.

I didn't really like Gone Girl that much, but I completely agree with everything you said.

Preach, brother

Count me in as liking the Slasher Flicks album. I had Little Fang on repeat for many months.

Book trailer?…. Uh, no thanks

That's my problem with WW too…not the graphics, which are some of the most gorgeous in the series, but by the oversimplified combat, puzzles which are mostly fetch quests, and the repetitive nature of the ocean travel. The best thing about OoT (and Twilight Princess and some others) was riding around the landscape on

Well, this is nothing new. How many big budget Hollywood comedies go making fun of arab/islamic countries after all…

Chromeo's album is pretty fun. I think it was my #11

"It'll be full of awesome actors"

Yeah I've been there… cutting out twitch viewing was the first step in limiting my HS play. Problem is, I've been getting into MTG lately now. There's no escape!

I liked it as well. It reminded me a bit of Extras, with the relationship between the leads. I really like Stephen Merchant and want to see him in more things!

I'm kind of surprised to find that the actor and character are that young as well. Guess I'm getting old…

Even before then, I think there was some backlash against him, due to the overwhelming critical praise for Inception and DK. Then when DKR came out, it seemed to prove the haters right.

Following remake, go go go!

It had a lot of action for a two hour movie, but if memory serves correctly, it was more like 6 hours long. And the one-on-one fight vs Joquain Phoenix took about 3 of those.

For sure. Metacritic user scores are generally garbage, but the critical aggregate score is a lot more fine-tuned than Rotten Tomatoes.

Priest used to be all about playing control games where the winner ended up being the one not to run out of cards first. BUT with all the new deathrattle cards, you can actually make a priest deck that's fun to play and play against.