reformed calvinist

Yeah this album grabbed me from basically the first second, with the explosive snare hit that begins Rent I Pay. Plus, Inside Out might be one of my favorite Spoon songs ever made, though it sounds like nothing like what they usually do.

Also recently watched it as an adult…it's still freaking great. Slow paced and pretentious, yes, but still a lot of fun and visually stunning. Plus my 4 and 6 year old kids like it. They have a freakishly great attention span for their generation.

Booo.. this episode is much better than a C+. Not at the heights of pretty much the entire rest of the season to come, but still better than any that came before.

It feels like a reference to or one-upping of Indie Game: The Movie. But as this is aiming for much broader appeal, I'm not sure what the point of that would be.

Yep 100% agreed… The Pit episode was probably one of the most disturbing TV episodes I'd ever watched. While still not a perfect episode in its own right, it was clearly the turning point where Spartacus decided to be a good show. Everything after that was solidly great.

So its kinda like how toilets drain backwards there? I know there's some kind of great pun to be made with this….

Welp… I just teared up about a half dozen times, watching an alien soldier interact with a puppet. 10/10

The Dargo/Rygel scene was probably the most disturbing scene to me… something about his puppet expressions just conveys the horror and shame and helplessness that much more.

Didn't JJ Abrams already accomplish this in Star Trek?

I'm making a lasagnaaaaa……… for one.

The Yahoo brand doesn't exactly scream quality…….. but I'll take whatever I can get at this point. Seaon 6, woot!

Yeah I don't mind Ace, but hate Flasheart. A lot of that may just be Chris Barrie's performance.

Count me on the side that hates Flasheart. When I first watched season 2, I quit after the first episode because I hated him so much. After I went back, and gritted my teeth through watching him a 2nd time, I actually found the rest of S2 quite marvelous.

I'm with you, but I also think she's pretty decent at the acting thing, so I'm not about to complain about this news. Also, Amazon, woot!
(<—- one of only people on earth who uses Amazon Prime to watch stuff and likes it.)

Four might be my favorite as well. But they are all pretty close, so it fluctuates a lot.

Yeah Prime is awesome now. I've been chugging through Farscape for the last few weeks, and if I ever want to take a day off, I have a huge backlog of Archer, Louie, It's Always Sunny, Hello Ladies, Better off Ted, X-Files, TNG, The Shield, and Fringe.

Hmm..I get all of my Prime items on time, sometimes actually in less than 2 days. I do, however, live in Seattle.

Truly some masterful meta-plotting.

Yup. If an episode has at least four HOLY SHIT moments, that usually qualifies it as an A for me. Sure, it wasn't as rich in character detail as a few of the peaks this season, but it sure made up for it in badassery.

I love Stannis, but yeah…. definitely seemed a hairsbreadth away from killing them all. He's a scary motherfucker.