The reason why Rey and Kylo were able to do that was because of their Force link. It was built up across two movies.
The reason why Rey and Kylo were able to do that was because of their Force link. It was built up across two movies.
The reason why Rey and Kylo were able to do that was because of their Force link. It was built up across two movies.
Stormtrooper punching Baby Yoda was my favorite moment of 2019.
Banish straws? How else will I snort my Ritalin?
Banish straws? How else will I snort my Ritalin?
The biggest thing I hoped for in VII-IX was that they kill off the main characters so that storyline could truly end, and they did that.
We know they exist. But some of us don’t care much for cartoons.
Why? Just cause he’s better known? There are plenty of minor characters with one-liners in the OT.
Why? Just cause he’s better known? There are plenty of minor characters with one-liners in the OT.
Where is all this Rose love coming from anyway? I’m pretty active on these forums and during TLJ, everyone despised her character. Suddenly it’s some call to action to be triggered by her lackluster character getting sidelined when she shouldn’t have been a focus character in the first place.
Where is all this Rose love coming from anyway? I’m pretty active on these forums and during TLJ, everyone despised her character. Suddenly it’s some call to action to be triggered by her lackluster character getting sidelined when she shouldn’t have been a focus character in the first place.
I just had the Clap talk with my son.
This guy fucks.
This guy fucks.
This guy fucks.
Male birth control? Isn’t that why God gave women that back curve?
I imagine Skywalker will become a creed just like Mandalorian is now.
I still refer to him as the Viper from Game of Thrones.
I still refer to him as the Viper from Game of Thrones.
2 minutes is Peeping Tom. 10 minutes is Bishop Bob.
2 minutes is Peeping Tom. 10 minutes is Bishop Bob.