
Why are you viscerally uncomfortable to the point of willful denial with a little white girl and a little black boy having an innocent schoolyard romance, as was very clearly depicted on Netflix’s Stranger Things 2, which debuted on October 27th at 12AM EST?

Oh, sorry this is late: Quick answer, all of them, ending with them dancing and kissing in episode 8. Followed by the cast and crew discussing “Max and Lucas’ romance” in aftershow episodes.

No, I’m suggesting your preemptive dismissal of any response she may give indicates you have no interest in how this little girl actually feels or her agency vs. you being the loudest voice in an Internet comments section.

Okay. Good luck telling Sadie Sink how she really feels in future.

The television program in which Max and Lucas have a romantic subplot which is fulfilled in the finale? Got it.

Sadie’s reaction showed two different things to two different people. We fundamentally disagree about that and that’s not going to change. I saw no intense discomfort from anyone involved and I do not believe they chose to do it to upset her. You’re blowing an idle anecdote between cast and crew up into something that

Citation needed.

First, don’t presume to know anything about me or how I feel; you don’t, and you don’t know where I’ve been or who I am with these kind of situations in real life.

Source: The TV show.

Yeah, I actually watched the interview and I came away with a very different impression than you.

We probably are, but no, I don’t think she was actually annoyed at all. I think people are looking for an excuse, and struggling Kinja AVC is looking for clicks.

I don’t see how. Max likes him, so she kissed him. It felt very organic to me.

We actually watched the interview in question.

Have you watched the actual interview? Or the show?

I don’t think she was actually annoyed though, anymore than they were clearly not being serious. They were all bantering back and forth, that’s basically all the Beyond roundtables are for the cast and crew.

That’s literally all it’s about in this specific incident, an onscreen discussion of which by the principles involved is fully available for you to view - a child actor feeling nervous about a kissing scene and being mildly teased by colleagues she clearly trusts and is comfortable with.

There’s a big difference between ‘forcing girls to do things they don’t want to do’ and ‘child actor does kissing scene when they think kissing is gross.’ The former should absolutely be called out early and often. The latter is part of the job. Millie Bobby Brown also thought Finn Wolfhard was gross last season and

But you can, presumably.


This is Rashomon, because I didn’t see her as upset at all.