
Your dream tells me that you feel like the extra calories in the Chorizo are a good reason not to order it, but even though you try to burn those extra calories you still feel like it is going to come back to you but this is your body and you can’t just STOP ordering Chorizo.

I figured that was why Jon Hamm was in my dream. Then he morphed into my (decidely satisfying but certainly not walrus-level) ex. Who is also an asshole but not the kind of asshole I really hate and I tell myself its been 4 months and I’m over it but maybe not?


Like 99% of all white people have said the “N-word,” in one context or another. Not allowing white people to say the “N-word” on TV or in public, yah ok.

The problem is it isn’t just “telling them to shut up.” Ben Shapiro is being kept off campuses, and so are other members of the right wing.

As yet, there isn’t any. No one has been locked up on the left at Donald Trump’s decree.

Yet yesterday, people called Donald Trump’s tweets about Hamilton “censorship.” To wit, leftists are not being locked up or thrown off campuses. Ben Shapiro certainly is, and that certainly is censorship.

No one has been threatened with arrest yet, but the left is already saying Donald Trump is opposing free speech on pretty much the same tactics as the right lobbed at the left for years.

Just saying “Shut the fuck up, you’re being a bigot” isn’t the same as censoring someone.

Agreed. Sadly it still needs made: I feel like the media is going to make him a legit President too, just for the ratings.

You realize that the constant coverage of Trump is also what helps legitimize him, right? It’s how he won the election. He received over $2 billion in free media by March this year: that was more than was spent on the 2000 Presidential Election by BOTH candidates.

Rachel I should start by saying that this is NOT criticism of Jezebel, because I know this could be taken this way, but I am wondering what made this story newsworthy and not the 9 ISIS recruits who were sentenced in Minnesota?

James Mattis would actuallly be a good pick for SecDef. USA Today tried to drag up some dirt on the MRAP program, but both the Army and the Marines did not field MRAPs fast enough back then. The Marines love Mattis, and by all accounts he is exceedingly well educated and qualified for matters of the Military. Plus as

This idea, articulated in the 1986 Supreme Court case Plessy vs. Ferguson, was overturned by the Court in 1954, with Brown vs. the Board of Education.

Actually, that’s not it. It has WAAAAYYYY more to do with peasantry and Feudalism. Also, not all of Medieval Europe banned Jews from owning land, but all of Medieval Europe ended up hating Jews. Specifically, the peasants.

So we have had our 90s nostalgia, and now we have our early 2000s nostaglia which will include a Republican President, cheap oil that becomes expensive, new wars, and maybe Chappelle’s show coming back.

Read about Feudalism and the Jewry. After the Fall of Rome the Church had to setup a way to prevent Europe from collapsing back to the bronze age, and stop the Viking invasions and later Islamic invasions. They setup a practical system that had a lot of social flaws (Feudalism), and the Jews were sort of an “exception

The history is a bit different than that. Basically Jews were the exception to the rules of Feudalism, and common gentiles came to heavily resent that the Jews were both not Christian and had better social and economic status.

Because no one ever treated the root cause, which was the establishment of Feudalism in Medieval Europe as a way to counter the fall of the Roman Empire and Vikinig and later Islamic invasions.