
it's like the character is in camouflage mode. Sometimes I have to pay attention to context clues to tell the difference between Ragman and Prometheus. For like 3 episodes I thought they were the same person and was just so confused.

Oliver forgetting about his love interests actually seems in character

I know I thought he was off saving Muslim kids on Homeland

yeah she's basically Poochie from the Simpsons.

1. because she can do anything with computers?
2. because everyone goes on and on about how great she is?
3. because she's (more or less) an original character on a comic book based show and ended up with the lead character and is often made out to be "the one" despite you know Black Canary his traditional partner in

the actor is a regular on Chicago Med. Don't think it's Tommy.

Billy the cop is really Dusan al Ghul aka Prometheus

Billy is Prometheus right? I mean they're not going to let Oliver just get away with murdering a cop right. I get he was trying to murder Prometheus instead but I don't think that's a legal defense.

Felicity used to cry and throw temper tantrums over the least little thing. But Oliver murders her boyfriend trying to murder someone else and she seems utterly indifferent to it.

Say no to Black Canary 2.0 4.0

at least they gave her some scraps with the Black Siren stuff.

I hated Laurel in seasons 1 and 2…but really came to like her in season 3 (and that wasn't even that great a season but she was good in it). I feel like they had fixed the bad parts about Laurel and were a little cynical in killing her.

Isn't Laurel and Sara's mother Dinah Drake Lance? I wanted Oliver to go "hey the mom of these two sisters I banged had the same name"

baby momma Samantha Clayton

is she still a thing? I've forgotten about her

Well he married Talia's sister…you know he likes sisters.

*cough* Prometheus

been there

I get excited around shrimp as well…and I too am a Josh.

I laughed so hard my stomach hurt