
1. I was glad we know they've finally had sex. I get really annoyed when the girlfriends get fridged before we know they've had sex (like Winifred Burkle and Wesley from Angel)
2. I used to dislike Iris in season 1 but I got over that when they made her a reporter…made her less useless.

I think of him as a Bro from space.

so this Outsiders show doesn't feature Geo Force or Metamorpho does it?

I heard they were also going to create a science fiction show…I want to say the lead was going to be played by the guy in the couple who Dee was trying to milk for the surrogacy money…not the black guy married to the transgender wife…the other surrogacy scam from a previous season.

I get that and he's generous enough to let the other actors shine.

I think watching this show and ranking characters in terms of goodness is kind of counter productive.

personally I kind of rooted for Aelle…I'm more like him than Ragnar or Ecbert…Aelle is petty and vengeful.

I think the one who isn't a standout is the guy who plays Mac…aside from Sunny the only other things I can remember him in was a small role on Lost and an anti-smoking commercial.

Frank misses his "bang maid"

Bonnie reminds me of my aunt Becky.

I think Mac and Charlie were established to go to a catholic elementary or middle school. That's where they met the McPoyle's I believe.

eh…I thought the first 2 episodes this season were great. This one stunk though.

I don't want to say this was the worst episode ever…but compared to the 125 or so other episodes this one was by far my least favorite. Beating out my other least favorites Frank's Brother and…well honestly that was the only other episode I ever actively disliked.

I'm sure Charlie has played video games that somehow introduced him to the concept of a minotaur.

My fan theory has always been that Charlie's whole Nightman song is a result of being molested by Uncle Jack. Of course Charlie claims he was never molested in season 1 when the McPoyle's drug Charlie into their lawsuit with the principal so maybe my theory is wrong.

it made me wince

this one was painful to watch.

The Gang Gets Held Hostage

does Murphy like boobs?

I hated the first few seasons and Brodie…I liked the show better with him dead