
Yeah…but the change happened like in season 2. So it's a little late to be complaining about the shouting now in season 12.

I thought 1 was on point…Dennis doesn't mind playing gay…Frank not so much. Remember Mac and Dennis had the Hugh Honey/Vic Vinegar angle.

I always think of that line about taking away reason and accountability whenever I deal with female co-workers or family members

I like him. I tend to like those type of characters. But I also understand the concept of fiction.

the moe howard?

I'm kind of wondering if Bjorn kills Lagertha…I assume they left it ambiguous which son kills her so there would be a twist.

you should never count your mother as your Eskimo brother

I liked both episodes…but I liked this one more. I thought this one was fun from beginning to end.

That episode had my 2 favorite lines

I'm going to use that line at work

that story's kind of a downer

damn that was a great episode…can't believe the show can still make good episodes in it's 12th season.

I did kind of like the subversion of the robot's becoming sentient trope. Unless I watched it wrong I assume neither Aida was actually sentient and it's all been a long con.

Mack as usual was the best part of the episode

I definitely want to give season 5 a chance.

random plot swerve…he grows up to be Magneto

Game of Thrones already killed off Ned

I agree. To me it seems Ragnar's been on his last leg since season 3…They wrapped things up wonderfully and it didn't feel rushed or too late.

I'm tired of these mother fucking snakes in mother fucking Northumbria.

I always watched for Rollo.