
I got the magic stick
I know if I can hit once, I can hit twice
I hit the baddest chicks
Shorty don't believe me, then come with me tonight
And I'll show you maaagic
(What? What?) Maaagic
I got the magic stick

It's always been shit.

I'm sure if the Alexandria colony made a cake for Negan it would really smooth things over. Who doesn't like cake?

I'm not blaming Darryl for a murder Negan committed. But Negan wouldn't have killed Glenn if Darryl had sat still. Negan had made his point killing Abraham. He had to kill Glenn to make another point that you don't fight back. I think Negan's position would be shaky with the Saviors if he didn't kill someone after

I don't want to watch that movie just so I can get that reference.

Rick's killed more of Negan's people than Negan's killed Rick's people. Negan was really nice about it really…He charged them 2 deaths for the price of the dozens Rick killed.

The Saviors are a crystal ball into what a Trump presidency would be like.

Dean Venture is the editor

Dwight and Negan have a prison bitch type relationship. Dwight does what he's told in order to survive.

Blessed are the cheesemakers for they will be called sons of Gouda. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of cheesiness, for theirs is the kingdom of havarti..

Is Negan going to succumb to the law of diminishing returns?

I thought season 3 was the best…although I did like the season with the evil president.

Wally: You're the worst big brother ever.

Flashpoint changed Kendra from a Barista to a Waitress. Now she gets tips.

Well she needs a thicker skin if she can't deal with that. I mean she should be used to her love interests dying or going evil. And who doesn't love a homicidal double.

I'm naive…I'm choosing to ignore the zombie apocalypse and assume Carol and Ezekiel will live happily ever after in the Kingdom.

poor Carol's always getting friend zoned…

Carol ends up on Game of Thrones

I'm hoping Carol bangs the king. She had an abusive husband, a dead daughter, she's always friendzoned by Darryl and I can't even remember the name of that loser she's banging in Alexandria.

I really loved how many times Ezekiel worked Jerry into the conversation.