
too much bottle in this episode

I kept hearing "scurry" and I was like "is that his name? Is Scurry even a name?"

It's usually a good show. But if you only want to watch it for Eliza Dushku then you shouldn't bother as she's only in the last few episodes.

Selina Meyer and the Monarch don't know either.

I think it's just funnier if his name actually is John Smith and everyone just assumes it's an alias.

said no one ever

I have to agree with Laura's father

I think it was something something meteor radiation comes from thanagar makes him weak something something we can all kill him now. But don't quote me on that,

did Jackson ever tell his mother he was still alive or did he just say fuck it I'll tell her a couple years from now.

and he would say it without irony

hopefully she dies on the way back to her home planetā€¦thanagar

I always wanted to see a crossover where Bouncing Boy and Speedball got to hang out.

I don't see why people hate Matter Eater Lad. His power is he can eat anything. That's fucking awesome.

Carter forgot to get killed.

so white daddy and black daddy aren't cool terms right?

Barry; Let's get married tonight.

Zoom the ultimate cockblock

Cisco: Barry there's no denying it. Henry's not your real father.

the same reason I laugh when bad things happen to good peopleā€¦I hate optimistic people who have to tell you how optimistic they are.

so like if Wally knocks up Jesse will the baby be sum frequency generated into a 3rd timeline?