
innocent and goth girls go together like misunderstood and nazis

it's a perfectly cromulent occupation

space clap is the worst clap

relationship Barry will kill independent Barry

race at me bro

Barry: Look we can either have a no holds bar battle royale or we can race. What's it going to be?

Barry: Hey Jesse. You got any Speed Force in you?
Jesse: No? I don't think so.
Barry: You want some?
Wally: I do I do.
Barry: Wally gross you're like my brother
Wally: Oh you meant…never mind

Damien Darhk will save us. If not him Vandal Savage.

Laurel 2: Barry I know I'm not supposed to care but you belong with Caitlin not Iris…

I think the problem is that the Agents of SHIELD show sucks and so the movies don't want to be beholden to it,

opposite opinion

Shockingly enough white guys don't like being killed either.

Dr. Radcliffe kinda reminds me of Fixer from the Thunderbolts. In that he's big on staying alive and science but not big on ethical guidelines or empathy.

heh…my boss and the shrink have the same name.

I loved that the funeral director's son had this look on his face like "fuck that bitch" when their dad went on and on about his sister.

Norma looked like a white walker


Yeah but what could of duncle would he be if he didn't try to talk to Dylan about it.

I thought it was because Norman distanced himself from Dylan to maintain his fantasy that Norma is still alive.

Dylan moved away. Romero's in jail. Dylan was going to give the new number to Norman but didn't want anyone else to know where he is.