
Please cut out the tower defense stuff.

MGS/Assassins Creed being apart of the same universe confirmed!

Choice quotes from Aris the Orator:

Some of the members aren't very inviting. I've had a SRK account for awhile but didn't really visit the site much until SF4 came out. I recall there being a lot of mention of post count, sign-up date, and a general condescending attitude toward new players.

I'm still waiting for ESPN3 access on my Xbox...sigh (TWC customer)

I've also noticed that the big updates usually don't happen until the 1st of each month.

"Jenny Hyun has been admitted to a hospital today. She is a paranoid schizophrenic and has been battling mental illness, a debilitating disease for many years. Friends and family of Jenny want to extend their sincere apology for any harmful statements made verbally or via the web that Jenny has made while she was in

Is that Nolan North or just a sound a-like?

Character models don't look great.

I googled dancing bear. Is nothing sacred these days? ...sigh

I just used the stock Shepard in both the saved games actually import your character creation?

Still looks pretty generic to me...not that male Shepard isn't generic as well.

Just finished watching Homeland. Situation just reminded me of the show. Don't mind me.

This is some Homeland-ish

Crackle is actually useable now.

I think its a little different when its an established franchise with an existing fanbase. But we'll see. :)

I somewhat disagree with your statement. You can do unique character design and art that is still highly accessible and attractive to most people.

Still wish they had chose a different art style. I think its going to turn off a lot of people from giving this game a look.

Jumping ship before they figure out what's going on with those FIFA hacks or forced out? ;)

Now playing

EA posted a brief clip (poor angle though)