
This game really came out of left field. Schilling has been saying all the right things and the demo seems to be getting a positive response from people who didn't even know this game existed until two weeks ago.

The IGN in-depth preview of this game claims that the gameplay in this is better than Skyrim, Dark Souls, and Dragon Age. Take that as you will...

I'd be nice if these apps actually WORKED at launch (talking bout Crackle).

Seems to differ from other reviews in that they've all been saying that the story is the weakest part of the game. Will be picking this up regardless as I actually enjoyed FFXIII.

King of trolls.

Ono always looks like a child molester.

Sounds like another handheld failure for SNK.

Can't be any worse than that Korn shit they stuck in Silent Hill Downpour.

I haven't really read up too much on the WiiU. I only looked at the tech demos and those don't really look better than your standard PS3/Xbox360 stuff to me. I guess that's why I was surprised. ::shrugs:: six times the power of the 360 is ONLY 20% greater performance than the Wii U? I thought WiiU is going to be PS3/Xbox 360 level. Did it just get a huge hardware bump?

Finally a viable map for snipers?

Read the actual gizmodo article. Apparently they did actually delete content from the server.

I'm sure that MS has some guidelines in place to insure that the apps somewhat conform, but you should really be complaining to Netflix about it and not MS.

The first movie was actually pretty decent until they gave Alice super powers. I still remember the scene where she jump kicks a F-ing zombie dog. LOL

No. Thank you Luke. :)

This is nothing new. Same thing RIAA was doing a few years back. I saw it at my school a few times. They basically threaten to sue you and offer you the chance to settle at a "discounted" rate in lieu of litigation.

No Duke Nukem Forever?


I didn't say anything about it not being plausible. I actually posted it somewhere else because I thought it was a sweet story. Doesn't change the fact that it sounds like an after school special. :)

The details sound slightly embellished. This probably didn't happen exactly as described.