
I actually wish that they put more emphasis on the black level problems that result in washed out colors and gray blacks. That is what's making videos look like ass for those of us who have carefully calibrated our TVs to meet the appropriate reference level standards.

Found this reply amusing.

Well then they should acknowledge there is a problem. This has been reported to them numerous times for almost three months now. I have no problems with holding MS feet to the fire on this.

Netflix has been doing 1080p on PS3 and other devices like the Roku for awhile now. There's no reason the Xbox shouldn't be able to do it. Same goes for the Vudu service.

The black level issues apply to pretty much everything. The 720p restriction applies to everything except hd videos purchased through Zune marketplace. More details are in the article....with screenshots.

Yes it does.

From my experience, assuming you are getting the highest quality stream, Netflix and Vudu on PS3 both look better on PS3. They support 1080P.

There has been almost no information on this game outside a few short developer videos. Any reviews for this? We can all use some more survival horror in our lives. ;)

I think the Zune movie store is the only place that explicitly advertises 1080p playback. So there is that I suppose? Whereas Netflix and Vudu have stated that they only support 720p. Other apps just don't really say anything at all and just advertise as HD.

@Owen Good Has Microsoft been contacted for comment? They haven't been very forthcoming in regards to responding directly to users who report this.

Is it just me or does just not load properly half the time? Just now I tried to remove my Paypal account but the site isn't responding and the "Remove" link seems to be gone...

LOL @ Batman being a 100hr game.

To be honest, the average gamer probably doesn't even know indie games exist. I don't really care all that much but if MS really wanted to support that community it should be on the main Game tab and you shouldn't have to drill down that far just to find it.

I don't even own a Kinect so your guess is as good as mine. Right now its hidden behind this non-sensical image of some chick in a hoodie. LOL

Will any of this matter if the average gamer can't even find the indie games section? hah

No Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender on this list?

Wut? Was your first LSL game Magna Cum Laude or something?

Preview/beta participants got two free PPVs before UFC 141. I'm curious how many concurrent users they had for those particular tests. It basically seems like they were beta testing a third time as once the 30K PPV buys were gone, no one was actually allowed to purchase the PPV via XBL.

At least there are no signs of Felicia Day in this hah

What's the difference between reviving and resurrecting? hah