
Just avoid the Culture Smash articles. These articles usually have very little to do with gaming and are more about weird-ass shit in Japanese culture. hah

Sounds like you didn't do much testing...the beta website explained all of this. ;)

There were issues with Xbox Live and that day due to the amount of people updating. I don't think this relates to that.

Yeah its pretty annoying that they use it in all their promotional screenshots. I think they said that will be out in Spring 2012...although I dont know why it takes so long just to put out a theme.

Looks like MS didn't do much testing this go around. Very silly issues popping up. Seems like they were too concentrated towards about pushing out all these video apps. Hopefully they do right by these people and offer them a free month of live like they have during past outages.

You'd kind of look like a big jerk if you said no after all that and with all the cameras running lol

You should probably avoid any articles written by Tim Rogers.

I'm not sure what your definition of "proper" is, but to most of us the 360 is an adequate device for that function. Assuming he doesn't need a blu-ray player and doesn't play any ps3 exclusive titles, saying something like "you should have known better and just bought a PS3" isn't really an appropriate response.

She has some sort of wench looking outfit on..hah

Microsoft provides the API for creating apps and they explicitly stated that it DOES NOT currently support the party feature. Netflix is at fault for releasing a shitty new UI but you can't say (at least not at the moment) that the the removal of parties is totally their fault.

Considering that many of us have experienced the issue firsthand, I'd say this article is pretty accurate. Just because you don't know any better or it doesn't bother you doesn't make it a non-issue to other Xbox owners.

Let's put it this way, I wouldn't turn on my PS3 just to use Netflix is my Xbox 360 is already up and running and vice-versa.

1080P playback and the UI is better.

I'm unsure about this. Some people have complained that this issue effects not just video playback but games as well. I've really only personally noticed it while watching streaming video like Netflix and some of the other video apps.

Basically all video play back.

People like shiny new things. :)

Nice troll. MS is making a hard push for the Xbox being more than just a gaming console. That is why something like this matters.

That's part of it but I don't think its the entire story. I keep my reference level set to standard at all times and if thats what its resetting to...then there is still something with the color output as I'm still getting washed out colors and gray blacks. This wasn't the case with the NXE.

I don't think there was ever party support for Hulu and Zune? This will hopefully show up again at a later date and be a feature available to all video apps.

Legitimate complaint but not really related to this article.