
I was tweeting this and e-mailing this to various gaming news/blogs since the 12/6 update. Digital Foundry and cNET were the only ones to reply to my inquiries indicating that they would look into it. I'm glad its finally being picked up due to DF verifying our reports. Thank you Digital Foundry!

haha the surprise ending. Nothing beats Jedi assholes though. I'd like to see Jedi Assholes vs. Ninja Assholes.

Recognizable? I don't recognize her at all. :)


dur...I totally forgot about XBLA games having trials...haha

That's bad hit detection. There should have been two points where the predator missile hit something and exploded. :P

This game looks fun but is it worth a full 1200ms pts? I kind of want the avatar items LOL

Yep...if it takes too long to buffer it usually drops back to SD. Not sure if its 480p or 360p...or 720p or 1080p but the HD looks pretty good.

You cannot.

I hope that arcade has baby wipes at each cabinet. :P

I must not be enough of a Transformers fan to see much difference between this and the Michael Bay stuff.

The service where all of your friends play online maybe? I could care less about Steam and PSN if I have no one to play with. An XBL subscription is literally equivalent to one fast food meal a month...

Yeah these are the same ads that were in the NXE. But I suppose they are a little more in your face now.

It doesn't get rid of Korn face. Only Chuck Norris and any tiles with "advertisement" under it...which is really only like one tile per category.

Posted this in that same reddit thread but this is what it looks like...not really much of an improvement to be honest. It only replaces the single tile with "Advertisement" under it with the creepy Avatars. I'll keep the ads. They don't bother me...

Sounds like fear mongering to me. Rarely does anyone outside of the lawyers themselves get much from these class action lawsuits. Pretty much in total agreement with Pachter's response to these TOS changes:

Yes it is. And I enjoyed it. Not sure what you're trying to point out to me. Unless I misread your post...I'm on YOUR side I think? haha

I wouldn't say its a selling point of the series but a lot of us who played MW1-MW2 played it because we wanted to see how the trilogy ends. So yeah...I played part of the game (the campaign) for the story.

Article would be much better if he tossed out his silly made up word.

Remake of Metal Gear 1 and 2