

Not a fan of the art style. Half the characters look like dudes...

phone and laptop I understand but 360...not really. i would think most people have their 360s connected to their main tv which they would also have a set top box connected to so that they can get full access to all of the FIOS content.

I'm confused...what's the point of this if you have to also subscribe to Fios TV? You get way more channels using a standalone set top box. Is it simply a matter of saving space and possibly a few bucks (if you're paying rental fees)?

Been mostly functional since last week for me. But its kind of annoying that I have to use Elite just to view stats. Most of this stuff was accessible in-game via Black Ops.

I think fighting games kind of have the steepest learning curve. Even when you jump between different games. No shame there.

Dropped the soap. :(

Did you happen to turn on a beacon? I think that may be related?

Sorry dude. You need gold.

I don't think they really caught on with the 360 and netflix...not sure anyone will care about this especially if you're forced to go through Home to do it.

So...why should be buy any other video game ever made. Guess I won't be buying your WiiU Reggie. Note: did not read anything beyond this Kotaku article. :)

This game is getting weirder and weirder...

Ping Major Nelson and tell him that XBL should change the achievement unlocked sound to the sound of applause. Problem solved? :D

Isn't that when Halo 4 is supposed to be out? Or is that now going to be there "killer-app"? F-this...I don't want a new console out this soon. :P

Two games (MW3 and Skyrim) combining for almost a billion dollars of sales in one week?

Considering every game these days release with a "special edition" shouldn't really be that surprised that they aren't really all that special.

Should you buy this? No. :P

You guys are so easily amused. :)

Not really a 1:1 comparison. If a Mario game had online competitive multi-player with voice chat I'm sure there would be someone calling you those same names.

Don't forget the cotton commercials they play during the breaks featuring...Zoey. Love it. Best new show this season because of...Zoey.