
No he'd rather just hate what the media tells him to hate.

I now don't know what to think for at one point owning a majority of these phones, hell I still have the Q, samsung clamshell one, sidekick, nokia music phone, and the droid sitting around. Does this signify a problem?

Well hey the video isn't that bad.I'm kinda surprised he didn't take it.

or mudkipz


no by mudkipz

I have severe dyslexia, believe it or not it greatly affects some users such as myself.

computers and other items from her house...but shes standing right there RECORDING HIM...and she let him take them? Why didn't she just try and stop him? Hes on HER property STEALING her property...uh yeah pretty sure even screaming bloody murder would have scared his ass off.

You probably modified your data and sync settings. That will do it. I love it, it is flawless, and great for voip calls

It's not allowed because of intergalactic radiation. So that might just debunk the beginning of the last star trek movie.

That particular drug your right about. I was on it for years for mild acne and it changed my teeth color and discolored my skin. I'm a hygiene nut with OCD, and I cannot bare not to brush my teeth 3 times a day. Green teeth weren't too flattering after a while so I'm forced to bleach them.That medication should have

How did that comment even get approved with all it's language errors...? I felt like I was reading something a ten year old wrote blindfolded.

That was pretty epic for them to sneak in.Even though I really enjoy apple products I think this is just great :D

this made my day

Hey, someone had to do it. Some meme's never really die.

In Soviet Russia TV watches YOU

That almost sounds like it came from a real life situation of some sort. Care to share?

Tony Hawk pro skater one had such a great soundtrack. I still listen to most of the music to this day over a decade later.

I am seriously considering naming my future child after one of the thundercats now.

I've actually had that happen, Huge wtf they weren't kidding moment. Poor sega game gear......