
Im sorry but judging by the fact the phone running at 3ghz still lags is there a possibility this is a fake? Ive never seen an android phone run at exactly 3000mhz as well. Usually they run at sat 996 mhz but never straight 1000mhz. I hate to be the guy that yells fake but something isnt right here.

@Squalor: megan fox billboard? I mean really who wouldnt wanna lick that?

@feelsgoodman: lmao whoever approved this jesus will ban.

@Zendax: agreed. Its gotten so bad im quoting articles at the dinner table....

@ddhboy: the original pre actually has a great screen. I love it.

This is nowhere near as glossy as my original. perhaps thats an upgrade?

@Ricorich196: Well a wonderful thing about the drug is the ability to share the experience. Everyone's is different.

I recently smoked skunk weed at a friends house and I find this article very interesting, the memory part is very true because I am normally very attentive when high but relaxed.But I couldnt even remember going home. However my girlfriend came over that night and the part about sex is right what would normally be an

Just ordered, This should replace the pc sitting in my living room quite nicely

@Hermith: Its also on my old samsung phone from 4 years ago 0.o

That lotion is so we can use the phones amazing screen to its "full potential" right?

@DingoJunior: If they sold me the entire chip I should be free to do what I want with it.It from then on is my property, im not lisencing it like software.

@DingoJunior: In this situation if i'm paying for a processor I want to be able to access the entire product I'm paying for. I really don't consider that stealing at all.

@WilliamTheFifth: I could not stop laughing at the new show they put out. The kids of this generation actually think dragonball z kai is a new show. My childhood is ruined...

Even if they are fakes these would be great mods to the interface.

let the conspiracy theories begin!!

is it wrong to actually like these..?

@sip | bearstronaut: Actually the whole concept of not wanting to be locked into a cell contract and having access to data almost anywhere in my town was why the ipad 3g appealed to me. I would buy an ipod touch with 3g

@junior ghoul: The second rule of cougar club is no one talks about cougar club