
Do the Dark Empire comics ever come into this discussion? The first was actually rather impressive - even if they went waaay too overboard with the tech (but not NEARLY as bad as that stupid Suncrusher). It introduced a number of impressive ideas into the series - but I never read much into the EU post-Heir, so I’m

No ‘true’ horror game has ever come as close to giving me the chills as flying through the nebula...

Perhaps coming from my own software dev side of things, I’ve never held any of these misconceptions (well, except that DLC is evil - at the response given is utter bullshit in every regard). Do people HONESTLY think developers are inherently lazy? Is there someone out there who still thinks graphics make a game? I

Where else can you get a beej from an SJW in exchange for promoting her game and STILL get to keep your job?

Yes yes! Do not question the hivemind. All thoughts must agree. Synapses that do not coincide are a cancer and must be expunged. All Glory To The Hypnotoad!

Not buying it - she was there to testify on a problem that doesn’t exist and she knew it. This is backpedeling pure and simple.

D3’s servers have been miserable this past week. It’s great suddenly dipping into the red and having everything vanish on you, or getting stuck in place while a GRG is gunning for you. Or having the game claim your ping is green but there is a full 1s delay on all of your skills.

I believe this originally started as a mod for Homeworld 2.


Don’t worry ma’am - this happens a lot. There’s a line you can go wait in for your apology/compensation.

I enjoy the number of ‘suck it Kotaku’ comments that scroll by in that .gif

Women can’t choose to dress up in Eevee Bunny Suits and pose for a cheesecake picture on their own accord with being objectified, obviously. The patriarchy is forcing them or something.

I will sir! Thank you!

Dammit, I can’t find my Glorious PC Master Race animated GIF...

In two years I expect to read the following:

“I’m amazed people haven’t figured out the story in the latest sequel to my game. The 19th iteration was meant to be the final part of the narrative - and a key one at that. You know, when I first released part one last Tuesday I never thought we would ever get this far.”

I, too, enjoyed AP - even though I had the PC version which had some annoying game breaking bugs that I had to use cheats to get past. Hacking, for example, was impossible with a keyboard and mouse - it slaved the controls to the thumbsticks, so when that got translated to K&M it... didn’t work. I ended up having to

Well for starters it isn’t a giant metal onahole.

Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot. All I’m saying is that if ANYONE deserves an awesome new mech suit it is Commander Farsight. Perhaps you aren’t aware of his backstory - he’s the tactical genius commander behind most of the Tau’s military conquests. However,

True, but if you’re going to blow up lots of spaceships, you need to do it IN STYLE!

I will counter your “toilet paper tube with a flashlight” with more mecha:

Mountains you say? That’s adorable.

If you’re going to bring a mass of giant bulky mechs into this, then I have one simple solution.